#1 Pastor
When we were in Costa Rica I got to hang out with my dear friend and pastor Scott Hornsby. I got him to hold up the #1 sign as this man is the BEST shopper in the world... and to me the greatest pastor!
Scott is an overcomer as he beat prostate cancer and never slowed down. When he could have relaxed and been satisfied with the good life of church and family, he choose to change and take a great risk with our church. He changed the whole style of ministry and moved the church to a new location for one reason... SOULS! This is leadership Jesus style friends. Lots of people make changes but motives seem to be alot different. I can always follow someone whose intent is to win the lost and be a great witness for Christ.
He is pictured here with my good friend Will Starkey and they are getting their wives some Costa Rican jewelry. Great friends and great shoppers!
U da man Bro. Scott!