Stories to Tell... We are in Sri Lanka with a team the Lord put together of incredibly talented believers. Mike McCain is here with us doing his drama called "Michael an Eyewitness" and I am telling you the people here have been so moved not to mention just falling in love with sweet little "POP". Mike just hugs on everybody and has been such a blessing to all of us. Kera McMiller and her dad Ron from Houston, TX finally made it to Sri after 4 days of flight delays and cancellations. We are so happy they have come as when Kera dances the glory of the Lord starts to come down. She has created all her dances and has a bright future ahead of her. This was her "senior trip" to go minister in the nations... Superb. Her dad Ron fell right in with his gifting and has organized the sound for all the 12 performances we have done in Sri Lanka. Yes sir 12 performances in 7 different cities! Then David & Missy Leto are dear friends from Cornerstone Church in Amite, LA arrived with Sandy to complete our league of performing artists... oh yea this was a smooth approach.
One pastor here said of 25 plus years of ministry he has seen a lot but this has moved him to a new and fresh revelation of the age ole story of Christ Jesus death, burial and resurrection. I was blown away...
Now let me tell you about a great duo team from Louisiana, Johnny Purpera & Terry Landry has come to Sri again to minister this is 3rd time to Sri. I challenged them quite abit as they were sent to Sri Lankan prsions to minister & out station local churches to preach. They had to take their shoes off and wade a creek to get to one church. the challenge was me not informing them of where they were going and to whom they were to minister. They just obeyed the command to GO... These guys saw over 100 come to Christ in a prison meeting that they were told to not try and convert the prisoners. The prisoners wanted to stay and hear the story... Jesus does the rest. We are to just GO and tell the story.
My sister Tish is here again and just was over joyed with the visit to Home of Hope in Kandy She has such a heart for kids that just blows me away. She twisted her knee and had some dental work done and oral surgery here. I sent her alone to get this done but I knew where she was and who she was with... I had to put this in cause my parents read this blog and will blame me... we are training them to GO! The 1st step is to get over the fear, hello!
So I will tell a few stories of some of our adventures... like we got charged by some elephants and Mary got attacked by a snake and Terry was @ a church that had a "Blue Cross"... he works @ BC in the US. Johnny Purpera @ 71 years old on the mission field doing it up for Jesus.
Then Mike McCain off the chain with his love for Jesus spilling over to the people in Sri Lanka.
Then the team gettting excited over being checked @ security stops... David Leto talking about a bomb in his wife's purse in the airport in London and not getting arrested... Crazy! My heart is strong to take all this excitement. Pray for us we still got several days left...