Leviticus 23:27-28 'You must observe it as an official day for holy assembly, a day to deny yourselves and present special gifts to the Lord. Do no work during the entire day because it is the Day of Atonement when offerings of purification are made for you making you right with the Lord your God.'
A long time as a believer I had not experienced the blessing of Yom Kippur. My good friend Perry Stone really opened my eyes to this special day a few years ago and the significance of aligning my personal life with this special day. I have always loved the types and shadows of the Old Testament but man when I started to experience in my own life the blessing of the Day of Atonement! As always this is a special day for Israel and again Sandy and I are looking forward to taking part in this special day.
A great friend of mine told me a story about his Jewish business partner. He asked him, what was the secret to all the wealth and blessing in your life? The Jewish businessman specially pointed out Yom Kippur – The Day of Atonement as one of three significant days to present a special sacrificial offering to the Lord. The Jewish man said on the Day of Atonement he and his family made special provision to attend the synagogue to bring a special sacrificial financial offering to the house of the Lord. The other 2 days being Passover and Pentecost… I love getting the revelation of Jesus' blessing to allow us as Gentiles to be grafted into the vine of the blessings of Abraham.
The concern for financial blessing is the problem with the barn Jesus talked about… we tend to build bigger barns and not obey to use these resources for its main objective… Reach people for Christ. The young rich ruler couldn't give up all he had even though he was a good man and lived a good life. I too understand folk's opinion of the "rich"… more than I use too. We get this perception that others have more than we have… Jesus just asks us to work out our own salvation, our own giving… Trying to keep our own lives lining up with his heart. Jesus is the greatest giver of all! For God so loved the world that he GAVE… his only begotten son…
Jesus wants us to have the BEST life! Living a life of giving sacrificially… I am still working on this in my own life. I tend to be too concerned with future provision. I understand wise planning but I just detest lack… I take comfort today in the Word of God that Jesus paid the price for our lack and atoned for our sins giving us the right to please him by not focusing on the blessing but keeping our focus on the one who blesses, Jesus our King!
So I encourage you to mark your calendar and take a special look at September 22nd… the blessings of the Lord are ALL ours because of Jesus.