Monday, August 24, 2009

LSU Tigers...
Today is the 1st day of classes for the fall semester @ LSU. Andy is a sophomore and Mary a freshman... Wow I remember my days in college as fun yet challenging and away from home. How naive and innocent I was to the ways of the world...
Here is a taste of the note I sent them this am to let them know their parents were behind them and praying for them.

4 things keeps His hand of favor on your life...
1. Faithful - daily relationship with the Lord. Seek 1st the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.
2. Obedience - It is better to obey than to sacrifice...
3. Love - Above all the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13
4. Forgiveness - When we forgive others... God will forgive us.

I just shake my head in amazement as to the Lord's hand of grace upon Sandy and I to be parents. Jesus entrusted us to raise our four kids in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Such an honor to see God's hand on all our kids and the fear of the Lord deeply rooted into their lives.

Train up a child in the way they should go for when they are older they will not depart from it... I love the Word of God so alive and such a blessing of promise.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Amazing Video on Missions...
My great friend Jack Harris got this video from another missionary named Ryan Philips. Talk about stir your soul... let me know what you think!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Wow for all my followers I repent... two months and no blog posts. Well all I can say is obviously we have been a little busy and I have kind of had some writer's block. So much to say but honestly trying to keep my emotions in check. Just a season but important to effective communication...
A quick catch up since end of June... I went to Sri Lanka to attend WOW - Sri Lanka huge evangelistic meeting and launch of the new cutting edge church in Colombo proper. Exciting to say the least to see the Lord moving in this next generation with signs and wonders. The nation is like a new place with the war complete. But as a great man of God wrote me the war in the spirit for the souls of men still rages violently. I will be saying more about this in the future.

Before I left we moved to a new place in Clinton... a great friend of ours personally has allowed us to move into their home. This positions us to continue the transition we have felt coming in our personal lives. This is a story yet to be played out... I suppose life is a transition as the Bible says we are changed from glory to glory. Everyday is a step closer to eternity. Sandy and I are in the "fun" stages of walking our kids into adulthood... they are gonna turn hell upside down for Jesus!
After I returned from Sri Lanka I got the flu... I don't know if it was swine flu but I sure felt horrible nevertheless it didn't stop me from working and preparing for a trip to Panama. The day before I was scheduled to leave for Panama the fever broke and the yuk in my head broke out and I got totally healed... Strength will rise as we wait upon the Lord!
Panama was an incredible trip with my great friend Pastor Johnny Brady and Fellowship to the Nations Church in Houston, TX. Those Texas folks are passionate for Jesus and their love for the Kuna Indians has proven decades of fruit with souls. Johnny's dad starting going their in the 60's building churches and evangelizing the Kuna's. Johnny uses a unique method of bringing basketball players to play exhibition games and draw the crowds. The huge Americans playing the fiesty small Indians is too funny... One of my personal highlights is too see the spirit of the Lord touch the team as most of them are 1st timers to the mission field. Lives changed and passion poured out into young people as they give of themselves... you will never be the same once you leave your comfort zone and go to the nations.
I have always said I could never give back to the mission field what the mission field has done for me...