"Don't Look BACK!"
8 months later... Sandy and I were on the gulf coast of Mississippi ministering at New Life Church in Long Beach this past weekend. We were driving down and discussing our plans for the summer and told her I felt the Lord wanted us to connect to some people in California. We got to the church and a team from Chowchile, CA was there helping with clean up. We were so happy to encourage the church and this team to "Don't look back..." taken from Jesus response to the attitude of Lot's wife. The Lord has a special future for each of us and we must know he has taken us out of many troubles and places of compromise in out lives. The best is he is still working on us, hello!
Sandy and I rode down to Waveland, MS where the brunt of the eye wall of Katrina hit. There is nothing left but house slabs. We rode through this area again and debris was still piled high in Slidell but life was creeping back as the old Live Oak treess had buds of new leaves. We need to be like these old giants in Faith as no matter how hard the storm blows... Jesus is the giver of life.
Got to go...
Daylight's Burning:
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