Well it has been awhile and please forgive me... U got to u know that hu! We got busy reconditioning the house we are living in and I got out of the computer swing. Maybe I needed a break from cyber land as I actually enjoyed the physical labor. After completing this project we slid into November/December with holidays, football and family. This was a good time but now it is 2007 and running hard already.
I left for Sri Lanka and India on January 1st headed to Kerela in south India to minister @ Faith Theological Seminary. Of course I was sick the whole time as the devil does not like anyone ministering in the 1040 window. Spiritual resistance is a good sign that you are in God's flow to bring his life to people... yep u can quote me on that one. I spoke to a pastor in the airport waiting on a flight and he said you must be called to go during the peak of whitetail hunting season in Louisiana. I sat back and thought about how the Lord has changed my life and priorities. I am so thankful for God's hand of mercy and grace on this lump of clay...
Ok we are in a season of prayer & fasting now and excited about the future. God has a special plan and destiny for all our lives. My pastor Scott Hornsby is doing a super series called Breakthrough 2007 as I watched it on the TV last night. I really sense God moving among his people to set us up for this end time harvest of souls. In India the men of God were prophecying of the greatest Harvest of souls in mass the world has ever experienced over the next 7 years. Joel prophesied this and I am claiming his spirit to be poured out on my life and to see my sons and daughters receive the double portion in their lives and to be right slap dab in the middle of this move... yes sir it the time is upon us.
Ok I am preaching... it is 3:30am and I am still not over the jet lag... hello! DB... Luke
Glad your back home. Hope the trip went good, even though you said you were sick. I know God took care of it all.
It was a pleasure to have you here. So sorry I couldn't connect with you while you were here. The pastors are always excited to hear your messages. My mother seems to have taken a turn for the worse in the last few days. please keep her in prayer.
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