Air Force or Army?
Last weekend Sandy, Andy and myself traveled to Colorado Springs to visit the Air Force Academy (AFA) as Andy got an official visit from Air Force football to visit the school as a football recruit. We had a blast and were awed by the AFA. Our country spares no expense to train officers to lead our nation. We were in awe and humbled to be there not to mention the invite to play football. The Chapel @ the AFA has been under fire for it's "religious proselitization" the past 2 years but still is a draw for those searching for the Lord no matter who complains.

This weekend we will be in West Point, NY as Andy takes his final visit to decide where he will go to school and play football. Many schools in our local area had recruited Andy but one by one the Lord started to close the doors for one reason or another. Now the only two left are the academies. Talk about the Lord moving a young man toward his destiny. Our whole family is rejoicing as this story unfolds. One of our prayers for him is to have a great local church in the area where he goes to college. We got attend New Life Church in CS and happy to report the church is recovering from the problems with their leader. The spirit of the Lord was strong in the congregation as 15K believers worshipped with such a spirit of humility and repentance. We were excited to see how the Lord takes care of his church. The power of prayer is prevailing over the sin and deception. When I went into the prayer center the power of the Holy Spirit over shadowed me as I started to weep. Man it was sweet...
I took communion @ the table of the Lord and was assured of God's mercy to us.
YOu knew I would get off football and family when it comes to JESUS, hello!
When we put kingdom of God 1st in our lives, all the other things line up.
Ask your prayers for Andy in his decision and for our family as we fulfill our destiny and complete HIS purpose. All things work together for good...
1 comment:
Congrats man!!!
What's up with not calling a brother back?
See you at Life Church this weekend!
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