Saturday, May 26, 2007

23 years married to this chick!

Nothing comes without sacrifice as this time frame in Vietnam is Sandy and I's 23rd wedding anniversary. My best friend and bride of my life Sandy is @ home with our kids. Miss that chick while here in the 1040 window… We will make up for lost time next week the Lord willing… Sandy is such a sweet heart and blessing not just to me but a great example to believers the importance of having a positive attitude on life. She is the "yes" in our family… I am the "NO" when the kids ask to go somewhere and especially when they ask for money! I say no every time… I got to get over this and the longer I live with Sandy I am getting better. She faithfully follows my lead and is a wonderful wife and super mother. The way she has nurtured our kids to be strong has been nothing short of miraculous.

The Bible is true that the husband is the head of the wife… I added this next part forgive me… the wife is the neck, she turns the head wherever she wants! LOL…! Not really but it is incredible how we work together and how the Lord balances our lives together. When one of us is low or hurt the other picks up the slack, when we laugh together we both laugh… one of the big perks of being married is to have someone to share life together with… the good and the bad. I love marriage vows! The words are Vows to the Lord… till death do us part.

Sandy if you read my blog(she is such a computer communicator NOT!)… I love you and not ashamed to tell the world how Jesus gave you to me when I did not deserve such a beautiful virgin girl. You are my lover and best friend... being married to you is a dream come true for me not to mention the perks of living with an Italian blood girl... SWEETNESS! What sacrifice you have made to bring 4 great kids into this world and to make our life together an adventure. You make our house a home and keep us all in line especially me... Thank you lovey dove. May Jesus allow all your dreams and hopes to come true and I get to share it with you forever! Can't wait to get home and hold your hand…

Tools for the Gospel...

Jack said something that I know was from the heart of God as he ministered to the leaders and I just sat back and began to get some rhema rev on the tools we were putting into the leaders hands. God will give us the tools we need to get the job done. Computers, printers, office supplies, books, Bibles, money, etc… all are tools to get the job done. What the Lord cries out for are men and women willing to use these tools, willing to work with sweat, tears and sacrifice to reach the lost... The Lord gives us all things for one purpose... to reach the lost!

I remembered my days as a millwright machinist and the better the tool, the easier the job was completed safely and swiftly. An old journeyman mechanic always told me… “ watch me son, every move a picture…” as we would work on these huge pieces of machinery aligining them to within thousandths of an inch to allow these machines to run at super high speeds without flying to pieces. God was training me to use tools... Tools of the trade!

My prayer is the tools we get are being used to the best of the craftsman ability. I want to be able to tell the believers… “watch me, every move a picture…”

The Lord is giving use the best tools ever known to man to expedite the gospel to the spiritually hungry and thirsty in the 1040 window. Is GOD stirring you to provide the tools (somebody had to supply the tools) or better yet, become a skilled user of these tools to reach the lost?

Making a Difference… Vietnam
Rolled into ‘Nam looking out the plane window @ the old Quonset hut barracks made out of concrete that housed US fighter planes during the Vietnam war. I was just a teenager during those days and went to several funerals in our town of friends that came back home in a box. Remember I had a dream one night of going into ‘Nam with an arm load of Bibles…
When Jack Harris called and invited me to “donkey” some computers and hardware to ‘Nam I jumped at this chance. I know it would be a little risky but felt the peace to get up and GO! Jack and Sherry Harris have been ministering to the underground church in ‘Nam since ’91 and have been careful to not spoil the relationships built in ‘Nam so I was pumped to be invited to get in on this project. Jack is fitting into the next move of evangelism of digitally communicating the gospel. Together Jack, Sherry, Steve Smith and I brought in 11 computers, 3 external hard drives (one with the International School of Ministry loaded up), 3 video ipods, and forty six 1g USB storage devices to give to the leaders of the church in ‘Nam. Jack has asked us to partner with them to equip the church leaders in Vietnam with 100 laptops and video ipods. We listened to the testimonies of how the Lord had answered the prayers of these leaders by getting this technology and equipment to them. Church leaders across denominations (Pentecostals, Baptists, Mennonites, CoG, AOG, u name it) came in a moment’s notice to this meeting with nothing but a phone call that God had something special to bless the church with. Serious… no prior scheduled meeting just a call and we meet, drop everything you are doing and get over to this unannounced meeting. Whoa what dedication and trust among these leaders!
When we went to the meeting arranged to get these leaders together as I had been in ‘Nam for an hour. I love not wasting time… Daylight’s Burning… we went straight to the meeting and gave out the computers and equipment. I was jetlagged big time but refreshed listening to the joy of thankfulness coming from the pastors as they received the tools to communicate the gospel. Persecution of the church is still paramount in ‘Nam as one pastor spoke of the government taking his computer for the 10th time but God always gives him another. Another pastor humbly told this was the most valuable gift she had ever received in her life, another told of his prayer for a video ipod and the Lord gave him a laptop back as he had given his to a church leader headed to North Vietnam, another pastor told of his wife praying for a USB device for three months as her husband’s got broken but the amazing part is the 1gig USB is a month’s salary… slammed me as I sat stunned…Along with the 3 computers I got to bring into ‘nam was one in my closet that would not stay on by battery; it had been in my closet for 2 years in my eyes broken and unusable. We all no matter the culture or situation have things in our lives that seem broken and unusable but Jesus will open our eyes to use these tools for the gospel; Time to clean out our closets maybe and have a garage sale for missions? Yea… The leaders were rejoicing for the tools and I sat thinking how we have so much in our closest that can be used for the gospel. These tools will be used to bring the church in Vietnam to the next level of discipling new believers. We all expressed such a joy of fulfillment to be apart of blessing the persecuted church. I was so thankful for the friends in America that are dedicated to the ministry as to financing this trip and all the ministry we are doing in the 1040 window. I weep this early morning with a thankful heart to the Lord and for my pastor and board members, our intercessor team, financial partners and my wonderful family that entrust us to GO win the Lost, be a witness, make disciples, tell the good news of Jesus’ love for all mankind. Yea I am little emotional thinking of how God has brought me from a young boy dreaming of Vietnam to a missionary carrying the good news to the nations. Thank you for adding to the crown we all shall throw at his feet when we see him in Glory!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Zachary High School Baseball State Champions 2007
Luke and I went and watched ZHS win the class 4A state championship in baseball this past week. Wow it was awesome to watch them kids and brought back memories of when I played on a state championship football team when I was a freshman in high school. We still get together and celebrate as team members even though I was just a blocking dummy during those days. But I endured the punishment and did not quit to get the glory of the taste of being a champion.
This made me think of the greatest champion I have ever know, my Lord Jesus Christ! He endured for us so we could be champions! Oh come on that is a great revelation... he never quit, he finished and over came death, hell and the grave so we could have victory over sin and defeat. I love being on a champioship team that will last forever!
Special Mission to Vietnam...
Steve Smith with Global Messenger took a picture of some of the equipment we will be bringing into Vietnam. This is a smuggling operation to equip the underground church in 'Nam with the Bibel and materials.

Ask all our blog readers to lift us up in prayer as we enter/exit Vietnam.

May 17, 2007


After we were in Vietnam last year, we saw how vital it was to the Leaders who received the USB drives that we gave away on that trip. They were to be used to transfer Bible School lessons and other important data around the nation. In a land where that freedom is not afforded openly, it was a God send.

We return this year armed with laptops and USB drives to give away loaded with Bible Schools, the Vietnamese Bible, and many other study and curriculum books. We leave this morning and we ask for your prayers. Last year we received letters from the immigration police for the purpose of interrogation and thankfully we were able to avoid that. We press on to helping to change the world and thank you for everything you do to help us accomplish that.

Here is a picture of the laptops being prepared for our journey. It is time to launch! (Phase 1)

Global Messenger Service

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Stressin... Missions 21st century
I have been having a few sleepless nights thinking about the war increase in Sri Lanka. The bombing of the airport with a small airplane has closed the international airport @ night. We have a big team going into the country in June. Sandy, Mary, my sister Tish, David Leto & his wife Missy, Mike McCain with his drama, Terry Landry and Johnny Purpera and myself are set... then the reports of more bombings. Well if we had to leave tomorrow I guess we would again trust our lives into the hands of Jesus and GO. Missions has always been hazardous and a complete trust in the Lord. Old school missionaries went by ship or in caravan across many miles. Things have changed but the challenge of getting the gospel is still very risky business. Paul even knew that trouble awaited him yet he was determined in his heart to use his life for the furtherance of the gospel. I am willing yet I stress when I think of my wife and kids, my friends and their courage to go to the nations.
This picture was taken as we water baptized people in the war zone of SL 2 years ago... We can not get into that area now but took the chance then to GO. Jesus give us more faith and lessen the fear!
Pray for us as we prepare...

We will be bringing computers to senior leaders in Vietnam next week so we ask your prayers. The laptops cost $1250 with all the accessories and we need to buy a few more as our goal is to bring 10 into the country... The Lord always provides! Ever since I left Exxon, the Lord has never not failed to supply in abundance as we focus on getting the gospel to lost people no matter where we travel but always where he leads... These computers (laptops) will get the Bible into the hands of pastors, translators and leaders to be a great resource in helping build the persecutes nderground church in Vietnam. We are also bring USB devices like 80 GB ipod that can be plugged into just about any TV or computer and yes sir the Bible and International School of Ministry curriculum will all be downloaded on the device. Sweet!
Pray as we prepare... I am meeting with pastors and leaders to raise the resources for our projects with this being a big one. We look to Jesus to move on the hearts of his people.
We must all the preach the gospel, but if necessary use words a famous guy name St. Francis said... Actions speak louder than words what we say in our home. So we GO to Vietnam...

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Love my small group in the woods @ the old Cabin...

One of the greatest meetings I get to attend is a group of men that meet in Port Hudson, LA. Each Wednesday morning they come from near and far for coffee, reading of the Word, discussion of various spirit led topics and prayer. Gosh I value this group as the one thread of integrity about this particular meeting is that what is said in the walls of that old cabin stays inside the walls. The men that attend come from all walks of life, various stages of spiritual maturity but everyone with a heart for fellowship with Jesus and one another. I want to encourage the readers of this blog to connect with a small group for fellowship, accountability and prayer. The bonds formed in small group meetings are "out of this world". Let me know what "flavor" of small group you are connected into... I will report on the results.