We will be bringing computers to senior leaders in Vietnam next week so we ask your prayers. The laptops cost $1250 with all the accessories and we need to buy a few more as our goal is to bring 10 into the country... The Lord always provides! Ever since I left Exxon, the Lord has never not failed to supply in abundance as we focus on getting the gospel to lost people no matter where we travel but always where he leads... These computers (laptops) will get the Bible into the hands of pastors, translators and leaders to be a great resource in helping build the persecutes nderground church in Vietnam. We are also bring USB devices like 80 GB ipod that can be plugged into just about any TV or computer and yes sir the Bible and International School of Ministry curriculum will all be downloaded on the device. Sweet!
Pray as we prepare... I am meeting with pastors and leaders to raise the resources for our projects with this being a big one. We look to Jesus to move on the hearts of his people.
We must all the preach the gospel, but if necessary use words a famous guy name St. Francis said... Actions speak louder than words what we say in our home. So we GO to Vietnam...
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