A threefold cord is not quickly broken… Rod Jarrett, Andy Ardoin and I are in Sri Lanka now. The Peace agreement has broken off and the country has again slipped into civil war. We were scheduled to travel across the nation to bring gifts and supplies to 200 kids at the Methodist church children's home we partner with in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka. The day we left the USA bombing began again in earnest and the roads were closed as fear of land mines shutdown transportation. We did send the gifts via courier service and the kids had a party. They had planned a whole day of events for us to come and celebrate with them… Can you imagine how good the Lord is to the people in Sri Lanka in the midst of conflict and bloodshed? Days of increasing darkness are on the horizon as the pressure of God's call for repentance falls on Sri.
This AM I was reading my daily Bible in Genesis about the story of Joseph being sent before by God's design to save his family from destruction. His family landed in the land of Goshen, the very best land in Egypt. I thought about Goshen and years later when God sent Moses to deliver his people. Ten plagues were to fall upon Egypt for their resistance to God's call for repentance. One of these plagues was gross darkness… The Bible said that in the midst of the plague of darkness, there was light in the dwellings of the children of Israel - Goshen! The Lord's greatest desire is for us to know him and know that he will take the best of care of us and has our best interest at heart. He will provide the Best for us in the darkest times. The report we got from Trinco was the kids and workers had a day of great joy… in the midst of great darkness God takes care of us.
Hi Luke r u in Sri now
As I'm praying for you and Sri Lanka I'm remembering the wonderful old altar chorus, "Standing somewhere in the shadows you'll find Jesus..."
Dave Ohlerking
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