Friday, March 28, 2008
My "CUP" runneth over...
Wow I got the honor to spend a few days with Children’s Cup (CC) , in Swaziland, Southern Africa. I really did not get the impact of how much God’s hand is upon this ministry until I was flying over praying asking God to bless them. The Lord really opened my eyes to the customized “niche” CC has been afforded the opportunity from heaven. I have been connected with the boss and his bride, Dave & Jean Ohlerking for the past few years as they have been quietly persuading me to go see CC. I had this window so I jumped and the trip was a God ordained time of ministry.
Ben & Susan Rodgers head up CC in Swaziland and just being around these guys swelled my heart with Jesus’ love for this special family. I could not get enough of the love their kids were pouring all over me as they stayed in my lap practically the whole time I visited with them in their home. Then the “Cup”… oh my goodness. Care Points in three nations ministering and feeding thousands of kid’s everyday with a staff of 20 missionaries on the ground, making it happen, Jesus style ministry. What an awesome strategy to meet the needs of the people as the HIV epidemic is on schedule to totally wipe out Swaziland’s population by 2020. Ben whispered to me as we walked through the street that one out of two people in the country was infected with HIV. I kind of stumbled simply stunned as the result of sin and the wide open door for the devil to wreck havoc broke my heart for the people in these southern African nations. So… I growled in holy anger at sin and the demon of disease and set about to pray more of God’s mercy and grace into Africa.
My first thing to do was the blessing to speak to the staff @ CC. We spent some quality time ministering to the staff and heightening their awareness and encouraging them. Wow it was so awesome to love on these missionaries in the thick of it... Special grace from heaven blessed us all in his presence! Then Ben took me to some care points to see the infrastructure and the nuts and bolts of CC work. The main giving of love is feeding the kids a nutritious meal everyday and to provide a place of refuge for kids being exploited to pedophile atrocities. We prayed at one of the most unbelievable village areas that have been known to sell their kids in pedophile activity. The spiritual atmosphere was electric with God’s power as the joy on the workers was so apparent with Jesus’ love for the people. These care points are set for pastors and local church plants as Ben & Susan just launched the 1st church plant from the need of a life giving church in Swaziland. HPC – Swaziland opened over the Easter weekend… Roll on Healing Place Church, for his kingdom to come on the earth! HPC is one of our greatest partnerships and a great honor to represent in the nations.
Well I simply feel in love with Ben, Susan and their kids. I am going to bring Sandy here next time…Kudos to Jordan my main man that took me to the Game Park and Natalie from HPC – BR… you guys are awesome! I am going to incorporate some CC strategy in the “window. I will go back one day and prayerfully soon… now I am off to Nairobi. DB!
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Easter in Mozambique, Africa
A couple of months ago the Lord dealt with my heart about spending Easter in Africa again. I was kind of glad as I thought of my first trip to Africa four years ago but I sensed that this time it would be very different and very fruitful. After the game park morning it was time for work as we drove into Mozambique and the city of Matupu to meet Pastor Isaac and Carol Williams. They pastor a new work launched by a great partnership between Healing Place Church in Baton Rouge and Children's Cup (CC). This church plant came into being from CC work to establish a care point ministry to orphan children. CC's main base is in neighboring Swaziland and I will tell you more about the care points and CC work later...
We started the Easter weekend by having a special showing of the Jesus film and over 500 packed the church to see the movie. Isaac and Carol have been working here for a year and have seen the church steady grow from the impact of community service by feeding the kids everyday. M-F HPC and CC feed over 200 kids here a vital meal that is for the most of the only meal and most nutrion they receive each day. I wept seeing the plight of the children!
Saturday we did some small group discipleship speaking to Isaac's young leadership team. The average life expectancy in Moz is 34 years old. Most of Isaac's team were teenagers and already God is growing them into great men at such a young age. The gifts in these young guys life are incredible as the hope of a future given by Christ has touched these guys. We did a short youth service and talk about dance... Africans got rythmn like this old white boy don't know, hello!
Sunday the crowd again swelled into the church building as all seats were packed. Isaac allowed to minister to his people and I was just stunned thinking if any church in the US would allow a missionary to preach Easter Sunday service... wow! I ministered on the Lordship of Jesus Christ and we had an awesome communion at the end. I needed healing in my knee as I twisted it and as I write and smile thinking of how Jesus used the meal that heals (Come on Perry Stone) to touch my knee. Just had to walk it out a little bit... PTL.
Last report on Moz as I look back was the awesome time I got to invest into Isaac and Carol. I am talking two of God's champions that have an incredible ministry before them. I love ministering to missionaries as over the past few years the Lord has taught me many lessons of being effective in the nations. So I go and pass it on... I will be in Swaziland with Ben and Susan Rogers and the CC staff. Oh it is going to be great... DB!
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Well I rolled into Southern Africa from Sri Lanka to minister in the nations of Swaziland with Children’s Cup and Mozambique with Healing Place Church – Mozambique. The first night in Swaziland we went to a game park as I got hang out with a young missionary from Georgia names Jordon Flores. Jordan and I visited a pastor that ministers among sugar cane workers then got to spend a night and morning with the lions! We were not disappointed either as the 1st lion we heard in the pre dawn was the Lion of the Tribe of Judah as we worshipped together before starting our day. I started to read out loud to Jordan how in the New Living Translation the Lord is described as the God of Heaven’s Armies. When I spoke these words out of my mouth, real lions erupted outside our camp in a ferocious praise toward heaven. The Lord’s creation began to lift their voices in praise to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Jordan and I sat stunned at what had just happened… I am telling you it was an awesome presence of the Lord! We headed out into the bush in search of the lions and we got blessed to have a small pride walk within 6 feet of our jeep. Yes it was an intense moment but man what a thrill!
So the Africa round has began… I am in Mozambique now after traveling most of the day by car through these incredible countries. Last night we were with Pastor Isaac and Carolyn Williams showing the Jesus film @ the church here. There was standing room only as the village showed up in mass to watch the movie. This was too cool as it brought back memories of the numerous times we showed this film in villages in Sri Lanka and India. The Jesus film has impacted so many lives as one of the most effective evangelism tools in operation today. Please keep us in prayer as I minister to church leaders today, youth meeting tonight then Easter Sunday services tomorrow before traveling back to Swaziland. DB
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke dies at 90 in Sri Lanka
Associated Press,
Tue March 18, 2008 18:07 EDT . RAVI NESSMAN - Associated Press Writer - COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - (AP) Arthur C. Clarke, a visionary science fiction writer who won worldwide acclaim with more than 100 books on space, science and the future, died Wednesday in his adopted home of Sri Lanka, an aide said. He was 90. Clarke moved to Sri Lanka in 1956, lured by his interest in marine diving which he said was as close as he could get to the weightless feeling of space.
``I'm perfectly operational underwater,'' he once said.
He was the co-author with Stanley Kubrick of Kubrick's film ``2001: A Space Odyssey,'' but he was regarded as far more than a science fiction writer.
He was credited with the concept of communications satellites in 1945, decades before they became a reality. Geosynchronous orbits, which keep satellites in a fixed position relative to the ground, are called Clarke orbits.
He joined American broadcaster Walter Cronkite as commentator on the U.S. Apollo moonshots in the late 1960s.
When we 1st lived in Sri Lanka I met this man @ a sports club. I remember drifting over to the old man as he sat kind of slumped over in his chair. I sat down and began to chat with him and he asked me if my home was from the southern states in America… I wonder how he figured that out. He asked what brought me to Sri Lanka and I boldly just told him about God's destiny on our lives and he smiled… then he asked me if I knew who he was. I smiled as I was looking @ him as an old man that needed some company but he thought he was old man that deserved fame. I had no idea who he was until a year had passed by and his name came up in the papers. He asked me to play ping pong that day and in his crippled state of body, I kind of laughed… that old man made me have to work to beat him but he still beat me one game from a wheel chair. I will never forget afterwards as I got to share God's love to him as he allowed me to enter his world for a moment through a bold gesture from a redneck from Mississippi to a world famous visionary. Jesus allowed me to tell him the gospel and he smiled as I began to leave and said I will take your time and words under consideration. You just never know do you…
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Quick update as I have started a 30 day tour of the nations... my home church is doing a series titled "What would you do if you had 30 days to Live?" I had to do some serious contemplation as plans for this ministry itineration had me leaving the US the day after this 1st message. I was thrilled as the Lord message put an eternal spin on how we were living our lives. God matters, people matter and eternity matters... great points and something we should all consider in this short time here on earth we call life. So...
Sri Lanka has been my 1st stop and my home away from home. In the middle of chaos and war the Lord is manifesting his glory to the church. Signs, wonders and miracles are taking place as God is preparing the church for things to come... I actually had some incredible manifestations in my own life and so happy as to know that I am trying to focus on eternity.
Next up is Africa... I will keep you posted as the Lord reassured me we are carriers of his presence to the nations! Thxs for prayers... DB!
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Sri Lanka is in dire straits these days with conflict and fear on every corner. In the middle of the chaos the Lord is pouring out his grace with signs, wonders and miracles. Please pray for Sri Lanka that Jesus would have mercy…
Friday, March 07, 2008
Great Word
God's dream for your life is so much bigger than your own! He wants to bless you indeed and enlarge your territory. His ways and thoughts are so much higher than ours, and His plan is so much bigger than we can imagine. Choose today to focus on the good things God has in store for you. Don't allow the circumstances of life to drag your thoughts down. Choose to think God's thoughts by meditating on His Word. The scripture says to "set your mind on things above." Those "things above" are God's thoughts and ways which are, "I am blessed and highly favored. I am above only and not beneath. I am the head and not the tail. I am a victor, not a victim. I am righteous, and my path shines brighter and brighter to the full day. I am more than a conqueror through Christ Jesus." When you allow those higher thoughts to fill your mind, they will direct your steps, and you will rise higher in life! You will see yourself as an overcomer and live the abundant life the Lord has for you.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Cup of Blessing
I am stirred for children this early Sunday morning for some reason… Sandy and I had dinner with the director's of Children's Cup last night. Dave and Jean Ohlerking have devoted their life to ministering to children and presenting them with the gospel. The focus of "Cup's" ministry is in the south African nations of Swaziland, Mozambique and Zimbabwe. Dave also has done major work in Vietnam with Cup style work… I will be seeing firsthand the on the ground network of care points the end of this month as they feed and minister to thousands of children daily that are deep in the plaque of HIV infection. Arise O Lord to touch the children of the world with your great love we pray in Jesus name…
Dave and Jean were such a joy to come and spend time with Sandy and me. Just feeling their passion for souls and the children of the earth stirs you to prayer and actions. Check out their website… or better yet saddle up and Go to Africa and give em hand loving on and feeding the kids.