24 years...
Monday, May 26th, Sandy and I celebrated 24 years of marriage... yes sir that is a statement of sheer signs, wonders and miracles that she has put up with me for almost half of my life. I never dreamed God could give me such a blessing to have her as my soul mate, helper and the love of my life. She has been so faithful to me and our kids... but her greatest accolade is her faithfulness to the Lord. I listened to her talk the other day about how shocked she was that some people wanted to go see a movie that was let's say crude and raunchy. She was appauled that grown women with families would lower themselves to watch filth. Again I saw in her life a standard of holiness that God put in her at a young age that attracted me to her. I tell my boys if you find a young chaste virgin that God brings into your life, move quickly to marry her to allow God to bring you his blessing of balance and double power. God has developed her into a Proverbs 31 woman and I praise her for her single eyed faithfulness to me. We have been all over the world together living our dream. I just could not ask for anything better than to be with that girl.
I am always flirting with her too... keep your marriage fresh. I ask her constantly does she have a boyfriend? She says no...Do you want one? Again she emphatically says no... Can I hold your hand? No... What will it take for you to go out with me? Forget it man... next thing I know you will want to get married and have 4 kids! I think you get the picture...
Sandy is a dream come true to me... I love you girlfriend!
Congratulations, Amy and I celebrate 23 years on June 1st. You are my hero Cool Hand Luke.
Simply beautiful and great. well done you too. We applaude you.
Neil & Savi - Dubai
Ya'll are SO PRECIOUS!!!!!!Miss you wonderful people!!!
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