13. Do I disobey God in anything?
Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice… I Samuel 15:22a
Obedience comes easy with proper relationship. This morning I was dealing with one of my children with obedience issues… as I was talking to him I looked at this scripture with this question fresh on my mind. Then it hit me like Wow… Listen! If I would have just listened I would not have this heart ache or problem. As my semi adult / teenage children are starting to make life decisions, my wife and I are getting new revelation of the relationship with Jesus and the Father… wow did Jesus have it right as it all comes down to obedience to the Father's will. The old adage, "Father knows best" is such a great rule to live by but man when I was in my early 20's I had no clue to obedience to the father's voice. All I had on my mind was to do my own thing of rebellion. But God… Romans 2:4.
This makes me think of the 10 commandments and how these were given to God's people not to make it hard but in essence to make life easy and simple. When we disobey… we sacrifice! When we disobey the voice of the Father… we get totally away from God's will as simple acts of disobedience brings to light the stubborn, do it our own way attitude, deeply rooted in our hearts. Wow we all struggle with obedience as rebellion to the will of the Father keeps us from submission. I am convinced the more we humble ourselves, submit to God and obey his voice, the less stressful and joyful our life will be.
Lord give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation that light may come from the Father into my heart that I may be obedient!
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