Mexico Report
Pastor Joel Dyke and I have been in southern Mexico ministering to pastors the past few days. Joel and his wife Angel were missionaries in Mexico for 10 years and now pastor "The Life Church - West Monroe". Joel is a great friend and fun to be with but I saw a side of him on this trip that I have never seen... how he has left his mark for Christ in another nation. Joel has so many friends in Mexico and the fruit of their labor and vision is incrdible! If you want to get connected into a close work on the mission field for your church; this is a great start for new believers to get the "passion" for the lost in the nations of the world. Joel and I had a blast and of course had to battle some "Montezumas Revenge". We were both sick as dogs last night... YEA!
Ok I am now preparing to travel home and already the airport in Baton Rouge has closed from hurricane Gustav. Sandy is not to keen riding this storm out alone and we need your prayers that I can get home before the full force hits. I got a plan... as usual God will allow me to get in the back door. The drive to the house will be let's say, I am glad I have alot of mission field experience traveling in not to keen circunstances. Really I will be home to begin the clean up... I have not begun to think about the needs. If you feel the Lord prompt you to help as we get all the supplies together, you can go to our website, and click on the donate page. Katrina had us into the hardest hit area the next day. So I will load up the truck with water and gas then head to deep south Louisiana to check on my friends and help where we can. Keep us in your prayers!
PS: The Indian pastor in the top picture walked all night to get to the conference... yes sir walked!
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