Sri Lanka's war is super HOT!!!
I wanted to send out a quick request for prayers for the nation of Sri Lanka. The war is horrible in the north as it is affecting thousands of families across this strife torn nation. This country has lost so many lives due to the war and literally a way of life for a whole generation of people that have been involved in this conflict for almost 30 years. Wow 30 years of war... bloodshed, heart break and destruction.
I have many thoughts coming to my mind as to how we all can get trapped into our opinions based on cultural prejudices and traditions. I have been studying WWII with Germany's onslaught and how the people were caught in a conflict of ideals developed by the people in power. Sri Lanka is in desperate need of peace!
Underneath this big military offensive in the north to eradicate the Tamil Tigers and any people aligning themselves with this group is another assault on religious liberties in Sri Lanka. Again the anti conversion bill comes before Parliament with strong lobbying efforts of the majority religion aimed to stop conversions. Funny how you narrow mindedness and lack of vision to change can cripple a nation. Also the world media has not mentioned one word about this anti conversion bill on the table...
All nations of the world need to look at the history as to how Jesus life and story has impacted this world. As always the war we see with our eyes and the war in the spiritual realm is two different worlds; the war for the souls of men.
Please we ask you to pray for Sri Lanka for the stopping of the shed of blood. Also pray this government will be wise to keep an open heart for the best interest of the people.
I will pray and tell everyone i know to pray for that country
Much Bible, much peace.
Little Bible, little peace.
No Bible, no peace.
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