Friday, March 06, 2009

Turn aside and see this great sight...
Today I am in the prayer room @ IHOP and what a great time with the Lord. Just sitting and meditating on his awesome power and presence. I have been reading Psalm 27 over and over and over and over... the power of his love flooding over me has been awesome. 
IHOP is hosting a Passion for Jesus conference this weekend and I had planned last year to come for a weekend of fasting and prayer. Time spent turning aside like Moses did with the burning bush is time invested into eternity. 
The cool thing is hanging with a great church planter here in the KC area named Andrew Fortner. We will be with them Sunday at Networks Church to present the "window" and pray an increase of vision for the lost. Andrew is really cool and zealous to be the pastor for Lee's Summitt, MO. So honored to hang here in KC...

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