Monday, May 18, 2009

All Smiles!!!
We got official word this early AM the war is over in Sri Lanka, . The Sri Lankan government has taken control over the whole country as the LTTE (Tamil Tigers) have laid down the arms after their senior leaders were killed in the last battles. Lets of emotions and questions are running through my mind this AM. After nearly 30 yrs of war the country will be at peace... no more road blocks, check points, military bunkers, strained looks on people faces, etc... Sad too that so many have and are suffering for a lost cause. Civil War is horrible!
This war ending was something we have always envisioned for Sri Lanka. Please keep us in your prayers as we look to the future with the people of Sri Lanka with hope for a better day. Pray this new hour will again bring opportunities for the gospel to go into closed areas. This makes me think of all the times Luke and I went into the war zone... only covered by the blood of Jesus and the prayers of the saints. Now we can go bring this gospel unhindered... serving and loving and giving Jesus to this nation. Yes I am moved this AM...
We look to the Lord and his people to help us get to the people.

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