Great weekend as we went to Mississippi and ministered @ my parents home church. The highlight was to water baptize 2 young men, Cody and Casey Haygood, in the Amite River! I remember when my pastor baptized me almost 25 years ago... The Lord has been so good to me.

When we were in India last month we visited a ministry called TENT just outside Hyderabad, India. Training, Evangelsim, Needs and Technology is the acronmym. The cool thing about this compound/training center was it had a too scale replica of the tabernacle of Moses. The golden alter was just inside the walls reprenting the 1st place we must start @ to get into God's presence is the Cross. From here the brazen laver was positioned to wash ones self before proceeding into the Holy Place. The laver was full of water this is cool to think about ones reflection when you leaned over to wash. The washing of the water but the Word of God... the brazen laver represents water baptism! So powerful to attend and be apart of water baptisms. I love it... witnessing new believers public expression of faith as a Christ followers.
Going public is BOLD... For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power of God unto salvation to everyone that believeth..., Romans 1:16! This too makes me think of the tremendous persecution and ostracization many new converts endure when they partake of water baptism in muslim, hindu and buddhist nations. The Bible tells us to partake in water baptism,total immersion, as a public confession of our salvation. Jesus led by example and the father was well pleased with him. I love it when the Lord is pleased with me!
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