We are in the Himalaya mountains gateway city of Mussoorie ministering this weekend and can I tell you it is a long way from Louisiana! Today we preached @ Kellogg Church @ 9000' elevation with the 25,000' peak elevation range in our backgroound. Mussoorie is an old hill gate city to the Himalayas which the Bristish established in the early 1800's. Still today this gate city is the entrance to Tibetan culture and many nomadic tribes of unreached people groups.
We were invited by Pastor Timothy and Missionary Jack Dyer to come to Mussoorie to prayerfully consider underwriting a hill station hostel for young Indian/Tibetan village children to be raised in a Christian enviroment then sent back to the villages to evangelize their respective people groups. Our first step will be for prayer then to purchase the land for $75,000US.

Conditions are a little tough here with the lack of water due to a small snow fall this year. Made me think of my kids when they were in school in South India and the strict rules of water conservation. The main rule being with the use of the toilet... if it is yellow let it mellow, if it is brown flush it down. Don't you dream of being here on the mission field of north India! The ride up here was 10 long hard hot hours up here and our A/C did not work! Thank God I am a country boy, hello!
Pray for us as we head back to Sri Lanka and the war problems there. Got to go...

1 comment:
we're prayin' buddy. and for what it's worth, y'all are a mighty good-looking bunch in those pictures.
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