Andy - 18 years old!
Sandy and I just wanted to rejoice over our kids a minute...
Andy turned 18 yesterday and we piggy backed a successful academic year ( all A's) with his b'day to bless him with his hearts desire...?... XBox 360. Made me think of Jesus's words... if we know how to give gifts to our children, how much more does the Father want to give the Holy Spirit to us? Sorry I just can not get away from spiritual moments from the HG...
Sandy and I prayed last night with great thankfulness thinking about when we turned 18... some of you may remember the BC days (Before Christ). Andy had a few friends over and the fam just hung out (Dustin & Felicia Baker came too... Sandy and I raised Felicia when she was a teenager and we love her and Dustin like our own). We laughed @ Laura Schilling (nut) and rejoiced in how good the Lord is to us by being so merciful with our kids.
Mary was gone for her 15th bday and is not too happy as we have not gotten her present yet... she had great grades too! She will get the BEST present as she is the baby... she will get blessed for sure. I know, I know... Pray for us with all our kids!
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