Hot Sri Lanka...
I am in the airport in Minneapolis waiting to board the long flight to Tokyo (12 hrs.) then get on the next flight into Singapore (6.5 hrs.), spend the night (jetlagged like a big dog) and catch the afternoon flight into hot Sri Lanka. We are set for 3 conferences in Sri Lanka with New Life Church from Conway, AK. Please pray for us as we will be in the deep south of Sri Lanka ministering in the Tsunami affected areas. The civil war is raising it's blood thirsty ugly head also in Sri as I am writing. Paul knew he had to go into difficult situations not for his own good but it was needful to minister to the believers to encourage them to stand as lights in dark places. Light is so much brighter in dark places. We ask your prayers as we minister in Sri Lanka one of the darkest places for the gospel on earth.
After the work in Sri we will catch a 30 minute flight to Trivandrum, Kerela South India to minister @ Pastor Alexi George's church. We will also get to minister to Bible School students @ Bro. George Koche's Faith Theological Institue. So we are set for some good old fashioned work for the gospels sake. We really need your prayers! Pray for our strength and God's power to be released.
Sandy is doing well and progressing after her surgery. I think she was bout ready for me to hit the road as I have been her nurse for the past week and she has been suffering watching me paint the cielings in the house. Pray she does not over do herself while I am away... she is Italian bless her heart.
Ok time to get on board! Got to go...
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