Monday, June 09, 2008

Name revision…21 days to a Better you!

A dear friend suggested a new name for these 21 questions of blog posting… 21 days to a Better you! I like it who knows this me a book…

Here is ? #2…

2. Am I honest in all acts or words or do I exaggerate?

Do not lie... Wow was I a perpetual liar. As a young kid I would lie because I did not want my daddy or mama to whip the tar out of me... I was ashamed of my actions but I didn't parents upset with me. This was the enemy whispering to me as I did not have any wisdom and would compound my problem with by not telling the truth...

I didn't do it is what I would say...' Kind of like Cain when he killed his brother Abel and as his brother's blood cried from the ground, innocent blood... his response was "I did not do it…" His punishment was banishment from God's presence. Genesis 4:1-16 this story has made me listen carefully to my words that proceed out of my heart and to evaluate why am I doing what I do? Is this for me or for God's kingdom? Are my actions pure? Give me grace Lord Jesus…

Another thought that crossed my mind is what I do or say is it to please God or man… Lord make me a God pleaser!

Are you?


Unknown said...

I keep getting challenged. Thanks my friend

Unknown said...

Here's a question. Do we not lie because we displease the Father or because it is His "new creation nature in us" If we do not lie only because we do not like to displease Him is that steming from a works issue as well as if Gos is not around then we may kind of thing. Hope I have been clear??