Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Well it's been ahile since I wrote but I have a little excuse... a cast on my left arm as I got into a real scary car wreck before Thanksgiving. Awkward and inconvienant the cumbersome cast has been but nothing like the broke ribs and brusied leg. Obviously I got the cast off as I am typing with glee in anticipation of Christmas soon to be here! It seems so surreal the 2008 has wisked by and all the places and people the Lord has allowed me to minister... I guess that is why the enemy tried to take me out but I will live to preach the gospel another day!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
“I know all the things you do, and I have opened a door for you that no one can close” (Revelation 3:8, NLT).
This scripture reminded me of my truck door smashed into my side 2 days ago from a wreck I was involved in... The door was unable to open until they got the "jaws of life" and opened the door. The enemy tries to mess you up and smash doors in but God always has a way to escape, I Cor 10:13.
By the grace of God I have only a broke wrist, bruised chest and leg but very uncomfortable and my nurse is giving me trouble. So today being Thanksgiving and tomorrow being my birthday, I have alot to be thankful for... especially my nurse!
We pray this day for us all to take the extra step and love on our families like never before. Grace is such a powerful thing from heaven.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Amazing Shot...
Yes sir you don't get photos like this too often...
Pastor Michael Cooper from Sonrise Church in Cedar City, UT along with my good friends Rodney and Karen Jarrett from Fellowship Church in Zachary, LA were with me in Sri Lanka last week and what a blast we had... literally. In this picture we are finishing our week of adventure at Pinnewella Elephant Orphanage after a non stop ministry schedule. The last night of ministry an air raid by the guerilla faction called the LTTE dropped bombs on the city of Colombo. We had a dark ride home but the darkness of the night could not stop the Light of the World that is pouring out His spirit in abundance in Sri Lanka. Seems that the tougher times are more of God's grace shines upon us. Trying to get back to the US now to VOTE!
Sunday, October 12, 2008

Vote... no excuses!
A great lady from Poland wrote the following... I thought it would be a good read to inspire us on the benefitis of one of our greatest liberties as Americans... VOTE!
Here is the link to her blog...www.majorchangeacademy.com
Growing up in a Communist country, and being now an American citizen, this is my second time I can vote in the USA. That’s why my whole family went today to a rally in Lee’s Summit, MO to support John McCain and Sarah Palin.
I grew up in a Communist, Eastern European country, during 70-ties and 80-ties. We longed for freedom of choice, for validation of our individual voices, for freedom of speach. I am an American now. I will be voting for the second time. I am Christian. And I am shocked seeing how Christians in this awesome country, are making choices based on pure convenience and personal interest. I still can’t believe that the followers of Jesus, who should follow ten Commandments, are even considering voting for a person who is so bluntly (although charmingly) pro-abortion. What happened to their conscience?
As we walked just two weeks ago around the Mall in Washington DC, we saw the sign engraved on the Korean War Memorial Wall: Freedom is not free. Somehow that took me back to my childhood, when I remember my grandfather longing for a free country, and dying not seeing it. I remember decade after decade without any prospects for political independence. I remember demonstrations on the streets, people dissapearing suddenly, schools full of propaganda, fear and ridicoulousness. I remember that a life of a person was considered nothing in comparison to the collectiv needs of masses. How could I vote against life of the speechless? That’s why I’d rather see USA as one nation under McCain, then one nation under Obama
Here is a link to help you out if you are like me and plan to be out of town on election day... http://govoteabsentee.org/
Whatever you do encourage everyone you know to get out and vote. No excuses...
Monday, September 29, 2008
Mexico - R&R
Since the hurricane's of Gustav and Ike, we have been "swamped" with lots of good ole fashioned work. Things have settled a bit so this past weekend Sandy and I headed to South Padre Island, TX for a little R&R. We went to Mexico for some shopping at a little border town called Neuvo Progresso. I talked to her in that low mono tone Louis Lamour style as we laughed and enjoyed our weekend. We so enjoyed crossing the border into another nation... give us the Nations Lord! As September winds down, we are thankful for the Lord sustaining us. A good report is my mom went through her back surgery with great resuslts so far. She had a rough go with surgery recovery but the pain has been relieved and she is progressing to a better quality of life. PTL!
The next 40 days are shaping up to be times of serious turbulence in the US with the Presidential election fast approaching. These are times that Great Men and Women of GOD rise up and petition the Lord for his mercy. We want to encourage believers to seek the Lord with fastings and prayers over the next few weeks. I promise we will all be so glad we did..
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Whew... Been awhile!
We have been rolling since Mexico working in Louisiana and Texas with the hurricane storms.
With a sigh of relief we are finally normalizing a little after Hurricane Gustav tore through our home state of Louisiana. Here is our story… After ministering at a local church in Louisiana on Sunday a week before the storm hit, I was kind of wound up and could not sleep. It got to be 1AM so I looked in the “net” at the satellite images of the Caribbean. Noticing a small cluster of thunderstorms below Haiti I felt this prompting from the Lord, “Go buy a generator before you go to Mexico, this is going to be hurricane and it is going to hit Houma, LA.” I questioned but got no answer as I was schedule to minister in southern Mexico with Pastor Joel Dyke. I really was hesitant to go but felt no stop sign so I boarded the plane trusting the Lord for his leading. We had a grand time ministering to pastor’s and rejoicing in the fruit of Joel and Angel’s 10 years of missions ministry in Mexico. The leaders raised up now receiving training through Joel’s network of John Maxwell’s Equip is amazing. But the whole time my heart was thinking of my family in Louisiana preparing for Gustav. The day Gustav hit as Cat 2 storm, Joel and I were traveling back to the US and I was petitioning heaven of how I was going to get to my family. The Word I got was “backdoor” while I was in the airport in Mexico City. Joel was going to fly home to Monroe and I remembered flying over a cyclone out of Tokyo one time… we were going to fly over Gustav into Monroe and get in the backdoor. I rented a Honda Pilot all wheel drive after the roller coaster ride landing and made the dark journey of 3.5 hours through the backdoor arriving at our missions base safe and sound. Ever since we have been cutting trees and helping folks come back to normalcy. We are preparing now to bring supplies to hard hit Houston, TX from hurricane Ike. Pray for us as we minister to our home folks. Got to go…
Daylight’s Burning!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Mexico Report
Pastor Joel Dyke and I have been in southern Mexico ministering to pastors the past few days. Joel and his wife Angel were missionaries in Mexico for 10 years and now pastor "The Life Church - West Monroe". Joel is a great friend and fun to be with but I saw a side of him on this trip that I have never seen... how he has left his mark for Christ in another nation. Joel has so many friends in Mexico and the fruit of their labor and vision is incrdible! If you want to get connected into a close work on the mission field for your church; this is a great start for new believers to get the "passion" for the lost in the nations of the world. Joel and I had a blast and of course had to battle some "Montezumas Revenge". We were both sick as dogs last night... YEA!
Ok I am now preparing to travel home and already the airport in Baton Rouge has closed from hurricane Gustav. Sandy is not to keen riding this storm out alone and we need your prayers that I can get home before the full force hits. I got a plan... as usual God will allow me to get in the back door. The drive to the house will be let's say, I am glad I have alot of mission field experience traveling in not to keen circunstances. Really I will be home to begin the clean up... I have not begun to think about the needs. If you feel the Lord prompt you to help as we get all the supplies together, you can go to our website, http://www.map1040.com/ and click on the donate page. Katrina had us into the hardest hit area the next day. So I will load up the truck with water and gas then head to deep south Louisiana to check on my friends and help where we can. Keep us in your prayers!
PS: The Indian pastor in the top picture walked all night to get to the conference... yes sir walked!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Storms... Here we go again?
Katrina hit the Gulf Coast on September 1, 2005 and thousands were affected by this storm. I was revisiting those hot days of rescue and change in my prayers this morning. Katrina meant cleansing and how this storm literally cleaned out the city of New Orleans. Now again the potential of another storm named Gustav is forming to impact the US mainland. Ironically, Gustav means God's Staff...
Please pray for the people as they prepare along the Gulf Coast as another storm approaches.
Got some prayer requests...
I am headed to southern Mexico today for ministry and scheduled to arrive back Monday night into Louisiana. Pray for the ministry in Mexico and pray I get back to my family safely. The storm is coming in about the same time I arrive... Just Great... should be a wild plane ride.
Pray for my friend Pastor Billy Fitzgerald as his wife is having some physical challenges. She has a doctor's appointment today with anticipation of the next step. Billy and Diane live in New Orleans and are great personal friends and faithful leaders in the kingdom and the storm approaches...
Pray for my dear friend and honestly this woman is like a sister to Sandy and I, Baby Elam as she fights the relentless demonic attack of lupus. Jesus is our healer... in the midst of the storm!
My mom as she is facing surgery next Tuesday. She is not wanting the knife but the pain is unbearable for her. Lord help her face the storm... take her hand!
One of our partner churches and great friends from Cornerstone Church in Amite, LA lost a key leader last night, one Kevin Carter. He had a heart attack right after prayer meeting. Wow prayer then heaven... lift them up as they walk these days out. "
Jesus... Calm the Seas!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008

The Call - Washington DC
Andy and I are in DC @ "The Call" today. I just felt again to be counted in the number for the ones who can't speak for themselves... We already got to stand in front of the Supreme Court in silent prayer and feel God's heart. Wow we are humbled to be here represeting our family and friends. Pray for us today as we stand for our family and friends before the Lord.
Read the simple Dr. Suess book, "Horton hears a Who". I got the message out of this little book to again lay it out for the unborn.
Reasons for this assembly... II Chronicles 7:14
#1 Day of fasting and prayer for the sins of the nation.
#2. Asking God to have mercy for the sin of Abortion... 50 million babies have died. Begging God for the stopping of the shed of innocent blood.
#3. A great awakening of revival in America.
“May the Lord, the God of your fathers, increase you a thousand times and bless you as he has promised” (Deuteronomy 1:11 NIV).
This particular Sunday, December 26, 2004, I had made my way to my home church to minister and felt this "unction" to plant a seed. I had read this above scripture earlier and just had this incredible urge to believe for 1000 times more... not knowing what what was about to unfold. So I strolled into my pastor's office and placed this seed into his hand ($100) and asked him to pray over the offereing according to Deut. 1:11. He kind of looked at me strangely and said a simple prayer. Couple of things here to know that it is a good thing to bless those who feed your life spiritually by honoring them as this allows you to say thank you (honor and thankfulness)... that was for free!
We walked out of his office to the service and people started to walk up to me telling me of the Tsunami that had hit Sri Lanka. I had this queasy feeling of trouble but a resolve that "God had called me for such a time as this". After the service I packed my bags to head to torn Sri Lanka and the year of brokeness endured in 2005 from the Tsunami in southeast Asia and Katrina that smashed my home state of Louisiana.
The seed was blessed as we were able in two months to sow $100,000US into Tsunami relief efforts in Sri Lanka. Still today the ministry fruit is going forth with lives changed in Sri Lanka by the simple act of sowing a seed in faith. Giving releases God's economy to flow through your life to bless others. I promise great joy comes from seed as it brings an abundant Harvest.
Friday, August 08, 2008
My girlfriend...
Got this in an email... it was so good I had to post it!
ONE. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.
TWO. Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will b e as important as any other.
Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.
FOUR. When you say, 'I love you,' mean it.
FIVE. When you say, 'I'm sorry,' look the person in the eye.
SIX. Be engaged at least six months before you get married.
SEVEN. Believe in love at first sight.
EIGHT. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. People who don't have dreams don't have much.
NINE. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.
TEN.. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.
ELEVEN.Don't judge people by their relatives.
TWELVE. Talk slowly but think quickly.
THIRTEEN! . When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, 'Why do you want to know?'
FOURTEEN. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
F IFTEEN. Say 'bless you' when you hear someone sneeze.
SIXTEEN. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
SEVENTEEN. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and Responsibility for all your actions.
EIGHTEEN. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.
NINETEEN. When you realize you've mad e a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
TWENTY. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.
TWENTY- ONE. Spend some time alone.
I went with my best friend to check out a camper he was looking to purchase. It was one of those "why am I doing this" things we sometimes do not knowing the reason. We were looking at the camper when the lady of the house drove up and we were so happy to be introduced too. One, Loretta Schultz and her husband Bruce have been battling her breast cancer for the past 12 years. Loretta is an overcomer and inspiration as she told me her story. She and two other ladies coauthored a book on the "ins and outs" of breat cancer, "What doctors didn't tell us about double breasted suits and single breasted women." She honored me with her last printed copy and made me promise to pass it on...
So today I ask all my bloggers to pray for this lady according to Acts 4:30. Her life is one of God's grace and mercy as she has talked with many other women struggling with this affliction. We were so awed of how God led us to this great lady and we got to pray with her... Thank you Lord Jesus!
"Stretch out your hand with healing power..." Acts 4:30a NLT
Monday, August 04, 2008

Unreached People Prayer Profile
We had a "small group" that met regularly every Friday night for years in St. Helena Parish. This small rural parish is the poorest in the state of Louisiana but has some fine people that love Jesus there. Anyway our group of at times 40-50 people would meet and seek the face of the Lord as we had unreached people group profiles laid in our hands. We were asked to pray for people we did not even know or had ever heard of... people Jesus died for. To make a long story of 13 yrs of ministry in this area short, from our prayers my family and I were propelled into the mission fields of the world. I really believe that when we move the heart of God, he moves the heart of men.
The Joshua Project (http://www.joshuaproject.net/)is an organization that profiles unreached people groups all over the world for strategic prayer and intercession. Each day a new people group profile is put on their website for specific prayer that the Lord would breakin and reveal himself. I think this is awesome and have for a long time included in my quiet time. We also recently added this to our webpage... http://www.map1040.com/.
Keep moving God's heart for those who have never heard his name!
Thursday, July 31, 2008

40 days with Cup...
I have been reading the book, "The Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta" as of late and been doing some writing about some of the incredible insight this woman of God had in her life. I am going to start feeding my blog readers some of these revelations but this one would not wait. Here is a question she asked, "If only one little child is made happy with the love of Jesus, will it not be worth… giving all for that? – Mother Teresa
Wow seems like this year every time I turn around somebody is praying and fasting for 40 days! Tomorrow Children's Cup (http://www.childrenscup.org/) is embarking on 40 days of prayer for the kids in Africa. Cup bases in Mbabane, Swaziland which has the highest HIV positive population in the world. Earlier this year I was in Swazi and I was stunned to know that 50% of the whole population is infected with Aids. So I just wanted to communicate to our network and the blog world to get on board with the Cup folks in prayer.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Well this is the last of the 21 questions I have been working through the past couple of months. I am seriously hungry for the Lord to "make all things new" in my life. The more I seek him, the more of his love is poured out. Sometimes we don't realize how dry we become and need of his love soaked rain to refresh our spirits. Thanks for hanging with me through this season of writing and seeking his face. I really appreciate the comments…
21. Is Christ real to me?
Last of the questions… I think I may do this once a year just to rewrite my thoughts. We are lively stones and where we are at today will definitely be different a year from now. But I KNOW one thing that never changes… The Word of God! Jesus died on the cross, the perfect sacrifice, and he never changes (Hebrews 13:8). He changes not; his Word never has grey areas and is always simple enough for even a child to understand.
Today's question is a simple faith. Is Christ real? To believe in a God we can not see… but my friend we can experience. My answer to this question is YES, YES, YES! The Lord is so real to me, so alive and not dead. Jesus is my friend, my lover, my LORD and he is more real to me now than when I became a born again believer 25 plus years ago. Jesus just continues to get tweeter and tweeter…
My prayer today is that Christ is REAL to you…
Saturday, July 26, 2008
So this morning again I am stirred for a "Call" to action with the issue of abortion in America. I want to make an appeal to mobilization to attend "The Call" in Washington DC. Get your bags packed and make the effort to attend this I sense in my spirit a moment in history event.
Below is a website that is responsible for the organization of this event led by one Lou Engles. Recently I had the pleasure of spending a day with this man watching him in prayer for literally 12 hours at IHOP. He is the real deal and passionate after God's heart. Watch the video that was made to promo this event and it will get your attention. If you need more info, just contact me as my son, Andy and I are set to stand with the multitude in fasting and prayer for America on August 16th in our nations capitol. My prayer is God would shake all our hearts...
20. Do I grumble or complain constantly?
There seems to be always something to complain about… is there ever enough or why does something have to break or tear up? Life will always give you challenges and something to work on. This is why I am thankful to be married to Sandy… she seems to always be positive and full of hope. In our early days of marriage I recollect her believing in me and to a point I understand her devotion but all that changed the 2nd week of our marriage. Funny… she has learned to put her trust in the Lord no matter where we are living or status in life. I literally marvel at her faith and she exemplifies this with patience and a deep confidence that prevents her from being negative. She is one of the most positive and happy people I know on this earth. I am truly blessed!
One thing I have learned by serving God is that HE is our sufficient one! The things of this world will never satisfy us. When this is all we seek after and worry about, the fruit of our lips is murmuring and complaining. I have found the more time I give to worship, reading the Word and prayer brings a satisfaction that eliminates lack in my life. To have the peace of God in my heart in what so ever state I am in is paramount. At times I have failed miserably at contentment… The more I seek him I have learned that I will have more than enough. The problem is a divided heart or maybe a mixture of heart brings bitterness of soul. So many subtle ways for this division or mixture can get us so negative and our heart become negative. When we seek after the things that are temporary we begin down this road of murmuring and complaining. May we go to Jesus who is rich and mercy to give us grace to keep our heart pure and single…
I need more of you Lord Jesus to be Lord of my heart.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Today I have been stirred about the shedding of innocent blood in America. 50 million babies blood cries out for justice. Proverbs 31:8-9 states... "Speak for those who cannot speak for themselves;ensure justice for those being crushed. Yes, speak up for the poor and helpless, and see that they get justice".
August 14-16 there will be a huge gathering for fasting, prayer and repentnce in Washington DC. A million people are expected to travel, yes sacrifice to stand up and speak for the sins of our nation for shedding innocent blood.
Check out the info on the web at www.thecall.com.
19. Is there anybody whom I fear, dislike, disown, criticize, hold resentment toward or disregard? If so, what am I doing about it?
Relationships… Jesus is the best example on how to handle difficult relationships with so many different types of people. He had 12 disciples that he hung out with for his time of ministry on this earth. There was conflicts abound with these guys as you see where they about who would be ranked above each other. Jesus knew it too and addressed them that to overcome these problems of conflict they had to serve one another.
I will be honest and tell the truth that I just don't like everybody I come across. I detest people that brag on themselves and all that they have accomplished… I find myself being quiet around these people as I can't measure up. What surprises me are the ugly vindictive "something is going to happen to you thoughts" that hit my mind as I smile that hypocritical way. Oh don't tell me you think this way too… oh the need of the cross. The need for God's love to be shed abroad in our heart!
But why does it seem that those closest to us we hurt? We get so familiar to our family and friends that we forget the little things we can do to show our love. This question is a do something about the situation challenge. The first thing we can do is ask the Lord to forgive us and heal us of our offenses. Then we can ask forgiveness of others… Since I started writing these 21 questions I have made some mistakes but interesting enough I have found the strength and resolve to go and ask forgiveness whether I was right or wrong. My relationships with people are high on the Lord's list for us to keep straight.
Lord my prayer today is for you to change my heart from being hard and vindictive to a heart of Love!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
#18 Do I thank God I am not as other people, especially as the Pharisee who despised the publican?
My great friend and missions mentor Jack Harris and I were walking on a dirty street in North India. This street in particular I remember had hundreds of dung fires lit preparing the evening meal. Jack and I were enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of India when he asked me this question… "Why was God so good to you that you were born in America?" As I have thought about this question Jack asked me so many times again my memory raced back to that moment when I read and pondered today's question. One of the educations I received from international living and travel was to how Americans/Christians were perceived and or rather how Americans/Christians represented our country. My family and I were determined to do our best with our family creed… You represent the Lord, your country, family and church. Sandy and I felt the importance of training our kids to be a witness in word and deed. We realize too that only Jesus can give us the power to be this kind of witness (Acts1:8). Our main objective was and is to present ourselves as Christ followers and not religious zealots from a heart of love and not finger pointing do this or that attitude. Then we got to see that when living this witness before people that had zero Bible background we may be the only Bible people ever read…
Well of course there are many answers to Jack's question but I know Americans which includes me as to the attitude of "better than others" at times. The Bible makes it clear that there is no respect of persons and we should not think more highly than ourselves. We should not justify decisions and actions to fit the moment. This is why Jesus raised the standard from the letter of the law to a relationship out of love.
May the Lord give us grace to be a witness for Christ out of a heart of love… and not Pharisee type religion.
Monday, July 14, 2008
#17 Am I proud?
Ouch! God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble… one litmus test of humility in your life is quickly revealed when you are corrected or challenged about your actions or words (The Lord's chastisement). Submission to authority is paramount as a believer I have experienced as these authorities over my life "watch out for my soul" and keep me accountable for my actions. Not in a controlling way but in love which covers a multitude of sins (James 5:20). I am thankful for a great pastor and friends that have and are being used over the years to keep me humble and love me enough to check the motives of my heart. You see pride is an issue of the heart. This is the very thing that got the devil kicked out of heaven… Pride will destroy your life left unchecked.
Over time I have noticed that if we over react to situations we disagree with it shows the signs of pride and resistance or even to the point of rebellion. This is a great opportunity to take the low road of humility and wait on the Lord. Oh this has proven me benefits and I have learned is so pleasing to the Lord. He took the low road for us! He humbled himself and became obedient even to the death of the cross to put into action the ultimate act of humility. He choose to become the sacrifice… he chose to taste this ultimate humility and shame for you and I. Thank you Lord Jesus!
James 4:6-7
But he gives us more grace. That is why Scripture says: "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
Lord I ask you to remove the pride from my life and to renew my heart with your love.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
16. How do I spend my spare time?
Waste not want not is the old cliche… God does not like slothfulness period! I sign off my emails and letters with "Daylight's Burning". The reason is my dad would come wake me up for daily chores before daylight when I was a teenager. Back in those days I was like what is the deal… it is still dark outside. Little did I know how the Lord was using this great man to train me in the simplest of ways to have a good work ethic and to make full use of the time given to me from the Lord. He understood that the simplest of choices I made with my time would affect the quality of my life and eventually my destiny.
Time is the only thing on this earth that is an eternal investment. We can spend it away or make full usage to maximize its potential. I am convinced that even "spare time" can be quality moments of God's blessing upon our lives. The Lord has given us the choice to steward what we do with this precious gift called time. May we use it wisely!
Lord I pray for wisdom to use this gift of my "spare" time…
Monday, July 07, 2008
15. Am I defeated in any part of my life? Am I jealous, impure, critical, irritable, touchy, or distrustful?
This morning I awoke with the Lord speaking to me about rebellion being the as the sin of witchcraft and how demonic spirits will return with seven spirits more wicked to try and reestablish itself where they once dwelt. These thoughts rushed me to before I was saved and how demonized my life was and how glorious Jesus delivered my wicked soul from the clutches of hell. How good Jesus was and is to me as he personally cast these unclean spirits from my life and set my feet on the Rock of my salvation. But to stay free… to stay moving forward in his perfect love is a challenge because even stagnation is not moving forward. Times of testing and demonic assault weigh you down and make you feel defeated. But the Bible says… the devil tested Jesus for a season, then he left as he can't be in all places at all times like the spirit of God. Samson even shook himself and his hair began to grow back as God desire is for his power to be revealed in us. The Lord will not allow us to stay defeated as he is a God of mercy. When we call on the name of the Lord will be saved, delivered, set free… Oh how good Jesus is to us.
Thank you Lord for setting me free of my sin and keeping me free!
No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD. Isaiah 54:17KJV
Thursday, July 03, 2008
14. Do I insist upon doing something for which my conscience is uneasy?
Again God is moving on my heart… The condition of our heart is what Jesus dealt with the most when he was training his disciples and dealing people in general. The young rich ruler was confronted with a heart issue and where his "treasure" was invested (Luke 18:18-23). When Jesus told him to sell all that he had and give to the poor and come follow me, it struck a heart issue with this young man. Jesus pricked this young man's conscience and the Bible says he went away sad.
Now we all have this tendency to be self preservationist in our approach to life. This tends to lead to a life without Faith… and without Faith it impossible to please God (Hebrews 11:6). The blessing is "God is bigger than our heart and he knows everything" (I John 2:20) and loves us so much to forgive us when we do things that are shady to our conscience. But a continual neglect to allow God to prick our conscience leads us to a hard heart. The Holy Spirit gently deals with us to live life guilt free and worthy of he who call us but he will not demand his right. He gives us a choice to decide and this will determine our quality of life.
Lord help me to live guilt free and to make wise decisions!
Monday, June 30, 2008
13. Do I disobey God in anything?
Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice… I Samuel 15:22a
Obedience comes easy with proper relationship. This morning I was dealing with one of my children with obedience issues… as I was talking to him I looked at this scripture with this question fresh on my mind. Then it hit me like Wow… Listen! If I would have just listened I would not have this heart ache or problem. As my semi adult / teenage children are starting to make life decisions, my wife and I are getting new revelation of the relationship with Jesus and the Father… wow did Jesus have it right as it all comes down to obedience to the Father's will. The old adage, "Father knows best" is such a great rule to live by but man when I was in my early 20's I had no clue to obedience to the father's voice. All I had on my mind was to do my own thing of rebellion. But God… Romans 2:4.
This makes me think of the 10 commandments and how these were given to God's people not to make it hard but in essence to make life easy and simple. When we disobey… we sacrifice! When we disobey the voice of the Father… we get totally away from God's will as simple acts of disobedience brings to light the stubborn, do it our own way attitude, deeply rooted in our hearts. Wow we all struggle with obedience as rebellion to the will of the Father keeps us from submission. I am convinced the more we humble ourselves, submit to God and obey his voice, the less stressful and joyful our life will be.
Lord give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation that light may come from the Father into my heart that I may be obedient!
Thursday, June 26, 2008
12. Do I get to bed on time and get up on time?
Structure… I am firm believer that God loves this. I KNOW he wants us to get proper rest as this is one of the vital components of taking care of our body. I have found there are two types of people when it comes to creative times, Early Risers and Night Owls! The importance of going to bed on time sets you in position to start your day off correctly whatever type person you are. Over time I have come to know I am an Early Riser. So this means I need to go to bed early… but the problem is I think I am going to miss something and stay up too late. Now late for me is 10:30pm… which throws me off in getting up or I get up tired. Once you lose the proper rest you need you can't get it back. When I do get to bed at my proper time, I am more productive during the day because I start my day off correctly spending the proper time with my Lord.
I sign my emails with "Daylight's Burning"… this came from my dad who would wake me up as a teenager before daylight to get up and get to the barn for work. He set the stage for work production at our home when I was a boy growing up by getting out of the bed to not to waste daylight hours. Little did I know the WORD… Jesus says we must work while it is day; the night comes when no man can work! My dad is still a wise man as he still gets up early and so do I…
So the early bird gets the worm! Or rather… they that seek me early shall find me!
Will this encourage you to evaluate your daily routine so you can make priority to spend time with God?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
11. Do I pray about the money I spend?
The Lord gives us resources to be stewarded and used for his kingdom. I have to admit that I have missed this prayer many times… I have been thinking about this question this morning and I sit shaking my head as I am listening to the Lord tell me he wants to be involved in every area of my life even to the minuet and mundane details! Lord please grant us wisdom to recognize you want to be Lord over every area of our lives including the money you give us!
Money is such an incredible subject especially how it relates to God's kingdom. I listen attentively to people as they speak about money especially believers. I listened to a young man recently tell of his goal to make two million dollars before he turned 40 years old. I was shaken… as all I could see in his life was a drive to make money. This drive is making this man miserable and little by little hardening his heart. Paul wrote, I have had much and I have had little but to be content is the key (Phil. 4:11-12). Jesus was clear about how deceptive our heart can be when it comes to money. The Bible is clear about "the love of money is the root of all evil" and how covetousness is lurking to slip in and pervert our motives.
Now one of the secondary benefits of kingdom living is prosperity. God wants to proper his servants for the purpose of bringing his kingdom to the earth. Jesus was not a poor beggarly man nor was he covetous. He dealt with business leaders and called money people into discipleship, Matthew, Judas, Peter, Zacheus, etc… his purpose was to bring his kingdom to the earth. Jesus family had wealth by God's divine intervention of the wise men seeking out the King (gifts of gold, frankincense, & myrrh). When you seek him you will find him!
The disciple's personal wealth and influence were given to them for the purpose to promote God's kingdom on the earth (make Jesus known to ALL men). When we don't pray about how we spend the resources entrusted into us our tendency is to heap it upon ourselves with bigger and better and throwing moderation to the wind.
Hebrews 13:5
Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Am I making contacts with other people and using them for the Master's Glory?
When I first got saved my life was in a shamble… I had disgraced my good name that my father had worked diligently to keep good. The folks that ran our local bank frowned when or if I ever came to pay my debts… so when Jesus came into my heart, this incredible process of transformation began (Romans 12:1-2). 1st to learn humility and the fear of the Lord, then to be responsible and all the while remaining faithful has been the path to be a witness for the Lord he has allowed me to follow. Faithfulness is the key as over time (Gen 8:22) the people you walk before in life begin to recognize how great our God is! These people shake their heads in amazement when they see your faith being walked out by doing exploits for the Lord. Your life is a witness of his Glory!
People like to see faithfulness! I know the Lord has given me power to be a witness (Acts 1:8) to these people as all they see now is a changed life by God's grace. The people we are in contact with are in our lives for a purpose… yes even the ones that we detest! I too chuckle when I am around people that knew the "old Luke"… thank you Lord for your grace and mercy (Micah 6:8).
I recently read in "Mother Teresa's" book on her private writings this prayer she prayed… "Lord remove from me anything that may hurt you or hurt your people." I was in awe as I read these words…then I was nudged by the Holy Spirit with the scripture in Psalms 26:1-2 to remind me that we can pray and ask God to keep us pure in our heart. After reading this book on Mother Teresa I saw again the thread of her witness… remaining faithful!
When our hearts are right before the Lord… his Glory comes with great power!
Lord let my life bring you glory and please keep my heart right!
Friday, June 20, 2008
21 days to a better you… #9
When did I last speak to somebody else with the object of trying to win that person for Christ?
Proverbs 11:30b "He that wins souls is wise."
This is a good one… action! The past few days we have been laying a foundation of prayer but today we move to putting feet to our prayers. Actually telling someone of Jesus' love… his greatest desire to bring lost people to him! Wow I am so happy today he saved my soul… he revealed his glory into my life.
So you may have some struggle with this… I am not one that is shy so I can easily do this but some people just lock up thinking about talking with someone about Christ. My 1st suggestion is to arm yourself with the WORD… ever heard of the Roman Road? Easy scriptures that can walk someone to Christ…I suggest you to visit them and memorize these scriptures.
One of the highest percentage ways of leading someone to Jesus is to bring them to church. Get ready for excuses and rejections for someone not to want to attend a church service… Prayer will prepare them to receive but we must be diligent in bringing them. Call em up, don't take no for an answer!
Put feet to your faith! Who are you going to talk to about Jesus today?
Romans 3:23,5:8,6:23,8:1,10:13
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Question #8
Song of Solomon 4:16 Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.
Am I enjoying prayer?
Come on be honest now… Prayer can be made into hard work. I think now I have seen some amazing dedication when it comes to prayer… Buddhist flock to the temples by the millions to spin their prayer wheels and chant, Muslims pray five times a day… recently I was on a flight with Muslims clerics and they asked the flight attendant to check with the pilot to find out which way was toward Mecca so when they spread their prayer cloth to bow in prayer and face toward Mecca, Hindus and their strict regime of temple prayers, the wailing wall in Israel, various Christian denominations in prayer… but the question is are we enjoying prayer? Is it a religious duty or birthed by a deep love to communicate with our heavenly Father.
Prayer at first can seem boring… so I have learned to shake it up. Get up, move around, get radical in intercession… then I promise a breakthrough comes and a flood of light and joy. A great intercessor mentor for years would always check on my prayer life. He would keep me accountable as to the blessing of talking with the Lord. He would always walk away saying…"I need the prayer and you need the practice!" I understand more of his direction and care for my soul… Thank you Bro. Les!
Another awesome thing to do is write your prayer request down as this too will allow you to see where the focus of our prayers is pointed. When we get our prayers off ourselves and pointed to others there is a release into our own lives of the Lord's mercy and grace.
Here is another cool thing to do… pray the WORD! You can't miss with this directive… Jesus model prayer is a no brainer then Paul started off most of his letters to the church with specific prayers to pinpoint effectiveness to the believers and express his heaven inspired revelation.
But I will admit the most spiritual prayers I pray are when I focus on praying in the spirit… yes sir the more I pray in the Holy Spirit, the more powerful my life is. Praying like Paul did in Romans 8:26. The more prayer in the spirit, Jude 20, the more of His will in my life come forth. Lord come to your garden as the old hymn sounds out… I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses… just to talk with the Lord.
Help me to enjoy prayer more Lord…
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
21 Days Question #7
7. Do I give the Bible, God's Word, time to speak to me each day?
Psalms 91:1 I love how the Amplified version put this verse… "HE WHO [a]dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty [Whose power no foe can withstand].
Wow that daily time with God… the discipline of seeking him alone in the closet. (Matt 6:6) Time is the only eternal thing we have to give here on earth… Giving God our time is a love relationship. I can relate this to my bride, Sandy. If I don't hear her voice and just sit and talk with her every day, I feel like something is missing from my life. Spending time with God will change your day because we learn to hear his voice when he is speaking to us. Starting the day with the Lord is the best thing I do personally every day. I am an early morning person… my creative juices are rolling by daylight. So to give this to the Lord is so sweet to me. Don't get me wrong I too understand the night watch of waiting on God but there is a reason God made daytime Iight and nighttime dark… the daylight sure makes it easier to see, hello!
God begins to speak and encourage me through his Word as I just sit and listen. Yesterday I got such a peace over some decisions about opening my heart up to some people… then when the heat of the day came and my peace was trying to be robbed, again God spoke to me from a friend who called I normally don't get to talk much too. I know it started in my quiet time with the Lord…
Today is a new day and I can't live off yesterday's Word… the children of Israel were required to get fresh manna every morning to sustain them for that day except for the Sabbath day in which they got to get a double portion. Maybe I need to blog about this principle too… Sabbath day resting. What you think?
Ok, I am going get my coffee and take my place at his feet with my Bible. It is a choice… Enjoy!
Monday, June 16, 2008
One Prayer Series…
WOW the ONE PRAYER Series, at my home church Fellowship Church Zachary, has been participating in has been awesome! Pastor Scott kicked off the series with his message on Lord, make us Fearless. I was in Singapore and got to listen to these messages and get fed from the other side of the world! Is that cool or what? Then, Pastor Craig Groeschel from Life Church. TV message on "ONE" was powerful and convicting. His message struck at the heart of leaders and believers as the competitive spirit from the devil main objective is to divide so the church can loose her effectiveness. What would it take to unify the church? One enemy, one heart and one purpose… Oh if we could get this right what a powerful impact upon the world! Help us Lord be one!
Then yesterday Pastor Chris Hodges spoke on Lord make us authentic… My goodness this struck the heart at how we present ourselves. Are we real? Are we the real deal? Are we authentic? Next week Pastor Jenson Franklin will be on the big screen… is that cool or what? The tool of technology ministering to the body of Christ globally… oh this strums my heart strings!
Come on, if you could pray one prayer what would it be?
Sunday, June 15, 2008
21 days #6
6. Did the Bible live in me today?
I mean really, did the Bible come forth into my life today? Am I a hearer only and not a doer of the Word…? Am I a plugged cistern or is this powerful Word of God flowing through me like a river of Life? Oh the joy of knowing God and having full access to the Bible. God's promises to us are "Yes and Amen". The big thing is we can go as deep into God's Word as we want, it is a choice. Isn't it strange we can spend hours in front of TV yet neglect to spend time reading and being blessed with God's Word? I will admit that reading the Bible at times has gotten methodical. So I changed it up, got a new version, started a new Bible course online… just to keep this part of my love relationship with God moving forward. Like my marriage I need to keep the romance fresh! Reading God's love letters will bring such inspiration and joy… I love you Lord for giving me freely your Word and preserving it with great sacrifice for me!
Back to Matthew 5:3 NLT "God blesses those who are poor and realize they have need for him…" I need God and I need his WORD!
I was in a hotel in India and inside the bedside table was a copy of the Koran not a Gideon Bible this always upsets me. What a blessing to see the ministry of the Gideon's to put Bibles in hotel rooms. Be creative in giving someone the Bread of Life… Give someone a Bible today!
Life giving words not a religion that destroys… Take some time to read the Bible today (Rev. 1:3) and if you are real wise, read it to someone else or give one to somebody!
Friday, June 13, 2008
21 days… #5
#5 Am I self-conscious, self-pitying, or self-justifying?
Wow these questions are not getting easier… they are provoking me to look inside deeply and consider my state. When I think of these words all proceeded with SELF, I think of how for years the devil condemned me of just about everything I ever did in my life. Of course I gave him a lot of ammunition as I like all sinners I was consumed with SELF. I was not good enough or just did not meet the standard… I remembered in high school the part down the middle feathered hair and I had curly hair. What a mess as I tried to be like everybody else. Then the pride of "I am not like those… Pharisee attitude! Trying to keep up with the Jones' mentality… on and on the heart thoughts of what we look like on the outside. Then the devil comes to destroy with thoughts of condemnation on every turn… Spirits of rejection that kept me not thinking I would ever over come my inadequacies. Then I was led to the Cross… this is where I found relief from all! Oh the Cross is where I found new life and revelation of the power of the Bible, God's Holy Love language to us! His Word began the process of undoing all my mess… Wow when I found Romans 8:1 and began this journey of realizing what the price of his blood paid for me. Then to become a full heir to an inheritance via the adoption by the Father, Romans 8:15. This was just the beginning… I remembered the night I read I John 3:20 that God was bigger than my heart… freedom from condemnation and guilt!
So today if you are in the funks of SELF… start again @ the CROSS! Let SELF be crucified and JESUS placed on the throne of our hearts forever!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
21 Days to a Better you #4
#4 Am I a slave to dress, friends, work or habits?
4 parts to this question… and all point to bondage. My 1st take is that we look @ what is on the outside but God looks @ what is on the inside and this makes me know that this is a heart issue again. Who I am trying to please and what is the result of my actions? Everything I think or do is a choice… good, bad or indifferent it is a choice to live for God or to live under the bondage of sin.
Then I start to consider what makes us slaves. Could it be ignorance or just plain bad thinking? What about our attitude? The Word says in II Corinthians 10:3-5 that the battle is in the mind and this can be won only through the blood of Jesus Christ. Take control over our thought life Lord that we might be free in every area of our lives…
I love too what Paul writes in Romans 7… dig into these scriptures and give me some thought on this dilemma.
Jesus came to set the captive free… Free me Lord!
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Sri Lanka’s Glory & Desperation
We spent a fast weekend in Sri Lanka ministering after Vietnam. From the airplane straight to a wild 4 hour drive to the deep south of Sri Lanka which is known as a fortress of buddhism. Hambantota, Sri Lanka where the Tsunami of 2004 literally wrecked this city is where we held a powerful Glory meeting. My friends in Sri have been touched with open heavens of signs, wonders and miracles in the midst of desperate times for this war torn nation. WOW it was awesome to witness God open a young girl's blind eye and many other miracles but the most powerful thing was so many staunch buddhist bowing to Jesus to make him LORD! OH I am telling you this was sweet to me… Souls added into the kingdom. We want to thank our friends in Sri and our partners for sending us to the nations and especially our dear Sri Lanka.
21 Days to a better you… #3
3. Do I confidentially pass on to another what was told to me in confidence? Can I be trusted?
Wow this one is big… I remember the 1st time I read in Proverbs about being a faithful confidant. I said Lord I can do that… For a long time I did a good job of this and won the trust of many but one time I remember vividly messing this all up with one of my closest friends and brothers in the Lord. I have seen his life flip and flop since the incident and I can justify what I said in most circles. But in my heart… I know I sinned against my brother and let him down. Then what he told me got all misconstrued and all parties involved broke relationship. What a mess and I justified that I was doing the right thing.
Kind of like how people get off crimes they commit in a court room… but God's court room is different. He sees the heart…
As I pondered this question, I have resolved to go see my friend who still loves me dearly which is the miracle and brings the conviction upon me to right the wrong… Take a moment and remember how it felt when someone you opened up too broke your trust. O it hurt and stung… but we can forgive, this is the greatest power of the gospel. If you have wronged someone, go quickly and humble yourself and too if someone has wronged you… invoke the love of Jesus… FORGIVENESS.
Help me be a trusted counselor like you are Jesus.
Monday, June 09, 2008
Name revision…21 days to a Better you!
A dear friend suggested a new name for these 21 questions of blog posting… 21 days to a Better you! I like it who knows this me a book…
Here is ? #2…
2. Am I honest in all acts or words or do I exaggerate?
Do not lie... Wow was I a perpetual liar. As a young kid I would lie because I did not want my daddy or mama to whip the tar out of me... I was ashamed of my actions but I didn't parents upset with me. This was the enemy whispering to me as I did not have any wisdom and would compound my problem with by not telling the truth...
I didn't do it is what I would say...' Kind of like Cain when he killed his brother Abel and as his brother's blood cried from the ground, innocent blood... his response was "I did not do it…" His punishment was banishment from God's presence. Genesis 4:1-16 this story has made me listen carefully to my words that proceed out of my heart and to evaluate why am I doing what I do? Is this for me or for God's kingdom? Are my actions pure? Give me grace Lord Jesus…
Another thought that crossed my mind is what I do or say is it to please God or man… Lord make me a God pleaser!
Are you?
Sunday, June 08, 2008
Holy Club Intro - Question #1?
I feel prompted to do a "series" on my blog. A lot of churches we partner with are in the ONE PRAYER (www.oneprayer.com) series for the summer and I am excited as to seeing how the Lord is moving the body toward him in deep intimacy. This intimacy brings deep repentance and extreme power from within as the Lord pours out his spirit… Joel 2:28-23, Acts 2:17-21.
These questions were developed from John Wesley's Holy Club and used to ask themselves for personal devotions. One of the churches we minister in on the mission field of Sri Lanka's east coast is a Methodist church as the 1st time I looked upon it I thought of the fire of the Holy Ghost that prompts men to give their lives to bring the gospel to others… this fire comes from deep devotion to the Lord and blind acts of obedience.
I think the next 21 days will be a great time for us to really ask God to open our hearts and let the Holy Spirit shine his illuminating light. So each day for the next 21 days I will send out a new blog with a new question... I am going to try to do this @ least. I am in Sri Lanka as I write today and have a tight schedule and will be traveling in between... this may cost me some sleep. Oh well, his KINGDOM come!
Here is today's question... look forward to your comments.
- Am I consciously or unconsciously creating the impression that I am a better person than I really am? In other words, am I a hypocrite?
The Sermon on the Mount was Jesus' blueprint for us as believers to follow. If you never really understood what the first beatitude meant (Matthew 5:3), "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven". I would recommend you to ask yourself these questions daily and see how poor in spirit you really are. Every time I read them, I have a rude awakening of how truly poor in spirit I am.
One thing I am confident of is we can't fool God. He knows us on the inside and the out... most importantly it is what is on the inside. Take a look today @ the condition of your heart... what is really on the inside? When I again embraced this question a short while ago, I saw how poor I really was and in self righteousness I had deceived myself. Again I stand in need of Jesus to be Lord of every area of my heart!
It took some courage and a dose of humility to bow myself to the Lord and allow him to enter into areas of my life that only I went too. I don't want to be a hypocrite... My prayer for today is "Lord make us transparent..."
How did God speak to you with this question?
Saturday, June 07, 2008
More to come? Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka bus blasts kill at least 23 Associated Press, I am sitting in the airport in Singapore about to board flight to head into war torn Sri Lanka. The latest news can be found on www.theacademic.org as I normally keep up with the news coming out of Sri. The country is in a mess and VERY unpredictable now… Thank you for sending us. Not for our safety but that people will know HIM. You can pray for my family… as a an old intercessor friend of mine told me regularly… "I need the prayer and you need the practice…"
Fri June 6, 2008 09:45 EDT . BHARATHA MALLAWARACHI - Associated Press Writer - COLOMBO, Sri Lanka - (AP) Bombs ripped through two buses in Sri Lanka on Friday, including one packed with morning commuters near the country's heavily fortified capital, officials said. At least 23 people were killed and 67 wounded. With much of the fighting taking place hundreds of miles to the north, the recent attacks have shaken the south, home to Sri Lanka's Sinhalese majority, and left residents fearful of more to come.
Friday, June 06, 2008
Hope in Vietnam...
We didn't want to communicate while inside of Vietnam and I was about to scream because of all the awesome things HE did and is doing in the closed nation of Vietnam. Jack and Sherry Harris, Steve Smith and myself were so honored to again travel to Vietnam... Jack and Sherry have been going to 'Nam for almosty 20 years as their faithfulness is being honored with thousands coming to the knowledge of HIM. Jack & Sherry have been great mentors and friends of ours for many years now and it is just awesome to hang out in the nations with these folks. This time I got to hang out with Sherry's brother Steve which makes Global Messenger Service a three fold cord not quickly broken. Thank you GMS for allowing me to join you again in Vietnam and for our partners sending us as we are really having an amazing impact in the nations.
Thursday, May 29, 2008

Saturday, May 24, 2008
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose. —Romans 8:28
I was working on our sink in the house yesterday. Good ole nasty under the sink in close quarters honey do stuff… my wife asked me to replace the dripping leak of our faucet. So of course this led to replacing the whole drain system! We were fasting and prayer too so this made all matters try to compound. Amazingly God's grace and patience was resting upon me as my sons and I worked with diligence to rebuild our sink. I used a screwdriver to chisel the old part off the old cast iron sink which was the wrong tool for the job… sounds like another good topic. Anyway the last bump broke the part off but everything slipped and my left hand ground into the jagged metal edge gouging chunks of meat off my left ring and pinkie finger. Oh it hurt… as blood flew and I broke out in a cold sweat grabbing my hand in a yelp of PAIN!
I got my composure after some first aid and cold water. We got the sink finished but I knew a couple of sore days were before me. I got up this AM to read and today's devotion was so on time I thought I would post this topic as I meditated on God's goodness and mercy in my life and thought of people I know that have endured PAIN…
This is the story of PAIN copied from Our Daily Bread found on the Radio Bible Class website…
I'll never forget when our youngest child Matthew fell and broke his wrist. It was grotesque! His arm took a sharp left turn at his wrist and then turned again to resume its normal journey to his hand.
We rushed him to the hospital where the doctor began to set his wrist. I watched as the physician pulled and twisted Matthew's arm. I wanted to jump up and pull him away from my son! But I simply sat and watched, knowing that the agony was necessary to make Matt whole again.
If we trust earthly doctors to do that for our children, how much more we should be willing to trust God, the Great Physician, to reset our broken lives "to be conformed to the image of His Son" (Rom. 8:29). One of God's purposes in pain is to brand the image of Jesus in our hearts. Can we weep with those who weep? God may need to stain our cheeks with our own tears so that we can genuinely empathize with others as Jesus did. Are we self-sufficient? God may need to strip away our security to conform us to the God-sufficiency that Christ displayed. Are we faithless? It may require a tragedy to teach us to trust the Father as Jesus did.
Next time you feel broken, don't panic—praise Him! God is at work!
Life's fractures can be mended
By faith in Christ the Lord—
At first the pain but then the gain
And usefulness restored. —Hess
God's purpose in pain is to brand His image in our hearts.
Monday, May 19, 2008
My son Luke comes to me every full moon to remind me of "Poya" in Sri Lanka. Poya is a monthly buddhist holiday where thousands go to temples to worship the idol trying to obtain Nirvana. Don't ask… anyway each month has its only Buddhist teaching flavor and the month of May is called Vesak…
Vesak, or Visakha (pronounced way-sak), is a celebration that commemorates the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and death, and his passing into nirvana. It is named for the month of May and is celebrated on the full moon, when the Buddha's mother is said to have given birth to him in a garden in the Himalayan foothills while en route to her parents' home. According to most Buddhist calendars, he would be 2,548 years old this month.
Amazing how religion tries to counterfeit Christ death, burial and resurrection… the difference is the RESURRECTION! Jesus bones can't be found on this earth.
Anyway we know the beating of the drums, the chanting of thousands, the firecrackers going off in bomb like proportions as they try to ward off evil spirits… Poya days are amazingly dark days in buddhist countries and especially Vesak.
Yes I am not scared to tell the good news that Jesus is Alive! Romans 1:14-17