Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
1. Faithful - daily relationship with the Lord. Seek 1st the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you.
2. Obedience - It is better to obey than to sacrifice...
3. Love - Above all the greatest of these is love. 1 Corinthians 13
4. Forgiveness - When we forgive others... God will forgive us.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
I will exalt you and praise your name,
for in perfect faithfulness
you have done marvelous things,
things planned long ago.
When I was a little boy growing up in Jackson, LA. My mom got me to enter the local high school's talent show sponsored by the Future Business Leaders of Louisiana (FBLA). Innocent and young but emboldened with a personality of expression, I belted out the rendition of "He's got the whole world in his hands". Little did I know the performance would bring the house down and I would go home with my first trophy the winner of the FBLA talent contest. As I read the scripture in Isaiah 25:1 this AM my thoughts raced back to God's plan for my life. Such a wave of emotion and thankfulness swept over my soul as I bowed in worship. Jesus is so faithful and worthy of praise!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
My Father in LAW - Mr. JB Gulotta
Sandy’s dad passed away on May 24th after a long illness. Mr. JB Gulotta was a great man and he will be missed dearly. He was so good to me trusting me with one of his precious children and his baby daughter. Talk about talented... he was an incredible finish carpenter as I witnessed him transform so many pieces of junk furniture and houses into master pieces. He also loved to grow things as he always had a big garden and grew so many tomatoes as he knew his bride of 52 years, Mary Ellen loves tomatoes. He raised his children to work hard as they ran a dairy in the Loranger area for years then he took over the rural letter carrier post from where he retired.
I was honored to preach the funeral and minister to the family. Gonna be different now without him in this life but look forward to seeing him in eternity. We love you Mr. JB and Daddy!>
Monday, May 18, 2009
Sunday, April 12, 2009

No Lines...
Each day on our website, a new unreached people group profile is shown on the homepage for prayer consideration. This is how it all started for us... prayer for the nations. No lines... Jesus died and rose again for the sins of the whole world.
Sandy and I want to extend a Happy Easter to all our friends and family. We are celebrating today with our family in Mississippi. The past few years we have been in Africa ministering on Easter. So it is going to be real nice to sit at my mama's table today. We are gonna eat some awesome Mississippi food and breath in the fresh air and sound of no cars in the rural country side of southwest Mississippi. Ya'll have a good one ya hear...
Monday, April 06, 2009
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Done deal at our house as the wedding went off in grand splendor. Ty and Katie stood before the Lord and vowed the marriage covenant on March 21st @ 6pm. Wow it was so special and honestly I did not cry... Sandy wept and I laughed with joy! We had a great time celebrating with our family and friends. We had guests as far as India grace the wedding as the "international" nature of our lives even shined through with a curry dish in the wedding feast.
Our main goal was to honor the Lord as a witness to the bridegroom coming for his bride. We so prayed for God to bless this time. We sensed such a special presence of God in the event... May his name be glorified and honored in our lives and specially in Ty and Katie's.
Monday, March 16, 2009

Wedding Week...
Well this is the beginning of wedding week at our house as our eldest daughter Katie is set to get married March 21st @ 6pm. Katie is marrying Ty Rigby who in our opinion is the man God intended for her. Ty has a great heart and an intensity about him that we sense will grow and need to be married to Katie, hello! The best thing is Sandy and I are convinced of his love and dedication to Katie. Enough mushy stuff... all the wedding plans are in full force. The Lord has been so good to set this time to celebrate in royal fashion.
The wedding will take place at our misson's base in Port Hudson, LA. up river from Baton Rouge. This old house is called Willow Springs and was a hospital site for both sides of the great American Civil War conflict at the Battle of Port Hudson. Interesting how this place is a place of healing and peace. The beauty of the setting with the old live oak trees and park like garden will be ordained with all the pomp and circumstance of the local culture. Basically this translates into a whole lot of work for us but it will be well worth the joy. Sandy is set to put our best foot forward in welcoming our family and friends to celebrate our 1st child's wedding. What an awesome time for family and we are gonna have a great time.
The greatest wedding with soon take place at the marriage supper of the Lamb when the bride of Christ will be united with her bridegroom, Jesus our Lord. What a cool picture of how weddings are really gonna be like... What a party it is going to be! So let the celebraton begin...
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Friday, March 06, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Slum Dog wins Best Picture @ the Oscars... Reveals India to the West!
India cries out…
I am not a big movie goer but I had to go see this work about India. My great friend and missions mentor Jack Harris (Global Messenger Service) told me about this movie. So off I went to experience India on the big screen… WOW! I cried off and on during the movie so stirred with the sights and sounds my family and I have often experienced.
India was what moved me to action of obedience to the harvest fields of souls. Nothing I have found on this earth will move you like the raw desperation of humanity in India. The sights and smells of thousands of dung fires preparing supper for their families in Bihar will stir any man's soul. The masses of people, honking of horns, chi tea in stalls everywhere, cows in the streets, colors of dress, huge temples, deeply religious people, etc... Oh Incredible India!
I got to accompany one of the greatest missionaries of the modern time in one Jack Dyer to see Slum Dog. This was my 2nd time to go see the flick... I knew Jack would be impacted in an incredible way. Jack and his wife Shirley spent 7 years in the rugged Himalaya mountain region serving at Wood Stock school after 27 years of service in Honduras. The big eye opener is Jack did not get started until he was in his late 40's... he forsook the ways of Babylon and left the comforts of familiar to bring honor to the name of Jesus. I am humbled just to be his close friend...
I got some cool friends name Jack...
Jack Harris - Fenton, MO
Jack Dyer - Baton Rouge, LA
Both are world changers and passionate to make His name great in the nations!
Slum God will give you an idea of life in India. An idea is nothing like the smells... HA! Oh come on now, if my wife can handle it anybody can... she is amazing.
God call us to sell out for souls... Let the Word of the Lord run swiftly (II Thess 3:1-5). Lord give to us the deeper revelation of masses of multitudes in India in the balance of eternity in Jesus name.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday, February 05, 2009

Saturday, January 17, 2009
Ready, Get Set, Go... 2009!
It has been awhile since I posted so this post will catch us up...
January comes, goes and gets me fired up for 2 reasons... deer season and another year to preach the gospel in the nations of the world. Deer season gives me a chance to breathe easy and catch up on the half read books but importantly to "sabbath" and prepare. So here I am in Singapore preparing to speak tomorrow the good news of Christ story. Oh I am so happy my Jesus is alive and saved my nasty soul and gave me a special grace to preach to the nations. Ephesians 3:8-10
So next week I will head into war torn Sri Lanka and specifically the east coast city of Trincomalle. We have been doing glory meetings in the major "gate cities" of the nation bombarding hell with powerful intercession and worship. These meetings will be called "Days of Glory" and we are anticipating a big time move from heaven.
The enemy is not too be taken lightly as I just received word that my dad has to have major surgery on his neck. He had been hurting all thru deer season with cold arms and legs but he still shot 4 deer and could not hardly lift his arm, ha his stand was his truck... anyway he has bad vertebrae impingement in his neck to the point he is critical and a bad move could paralyze him. Of course I get this news while I am here in Asia and the surgery will be performed while I am in the war zone of Sri Lanka. We all have a price to pay...
The last time this happened we were doing a huge youth festival in Sri Lanka and my dad was having his 2nd open heart surgery. We had invested heavily in these meetings and I was set to leave it all behind to be with him and a strange sense of peace only the Lord could give came upon me. We had over 300,000 people hear the gospel those days of Glory in the heart of the city of Colombo... the Lord is in control of all things and his heart is for the lost. So we already have word of huge crowds coming to our "Days of Glory" meetings...
Keep the lost at the center of your thoughts, priorities and prayers and He will fight your battles.
Pray for our family and especially my dad during these next 2 weeks.
By the way, the picture of this small buck was "shot" by me in south Texas on some great friends of mine ranch... he was 20 steps from our stand eating corn. He will be a nice deer in a few years... Big thanks to my great friend Pastor Johnny Brady and Tommy and Renee Balke.