Thursday, June 19, 2008

Question #8

Song of Solomon 4:16 Awake, O north wind; and come, thou south; blow upon my garden, that the spices thereof may flow out. Let my beloved come into his garden, and eat his pleasant fruits.

Am I enjoying prayer?

Come on be honest now… Prayer can be made into hard work. I think now I have seen some amazing dedication when it comes to prayer… Buddhist flock to the temples by the millions to spin their prayer wheels and chant, Muslims pray five times a day… recently I was on a flight with Muslims clerics and they asked the flight attendant to check with the pilot to find out which way was toward Mecca so when they spread their prayer cloth to bow in prayer and face toward Mecca, Hindus and their strict regime of temple prayers, the wailing wall in Israel, various Christian denominations in prayer… but the question is are we enjoying prayer? Is it a religious duty or birthed by a deep love to communicate with our heavenly Father.

Prayer at first can seem boring… so I have learned to shake it up. Get up, move around, get radical in intercession… then I promise a breakthrough comes and a flood of light and joy. A great intercessor mentor for years would always check on my prayer life. He would keep me accountable as to the blessing of talking with the Lord. He would always walk away saying…"I need the prayer and you need the practice!" I understand more of his direction and care for my soul… Thank you Bro. Les!

Another awesome thing to do is write your prayer request down as this too will allow you to see where the focus of our prayers is pointed. When we get our prayers off ourselves and pointed to others there is a release into our own lives of the Lord's mercy and grace.

Here is another cool thing to do… pray the WORD! You can't miss with this directive… Jesus model prayer is a no brainer then Paul started off most of his letters to the church with specific prayers to pinpoint effectiveness to the believers and express his heaven inspired revelation.

But I will admit the most spiritual prayers I pray are when I focus on praying in the spirit… yes sir the more I pray in the Holy Spirit, the more powerful my life is. Praying like Paul did in Romans 8:26. The more prayer in the spirit, Jude 20, the more of His will in my life come forth. Lord come to your garden as the old hymn sounds out… I come to the garden alone, while the dew is still on the roses… just to talk with the Lord.

Help me to enjoy prayer more Lord…

1 comment:

Michelle Pierce said...

Hi Brother Luke,

Just a quick note to tell you how much I have been enjoying your blog posts, especially this little series. I often have a hard time deciding where to begin in my own daily study time and I have found the scriptures you use to be a great starting point. I do think this material would make a great book or small group study. I am looking forward to the remaining topics so keep them coming!


Michelle Pierce